Chapter 12

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Elena’s POV

I woke up and looked at the clock. For once a clock with the date aswell. It was the 9th December and 1:15am. It was my birthday. Luckily the boys don’t know. I hate birthdays. I hate having money spent on me. I sit up and see that same figure. He says,

“Hello love.” I go to scream but he interrupts me by saying,

“Do you want these to live?” He was on about the boys. I nodded and he continued,

“Right. You have to come with me otherwise they die. You have 1 hour. Even if you refuse then I will take you by force either way you’re coming with me. Meet me in the living room.” I nodded and he turned towards the door and walked towards it. Once he reached it he turned back and said,

“Happy birthday Elena.” And with that he walked out. How did he know? I got up from the bed and realized that I knew that voice. He is one of my favourite singers. Elyar Fox!!!! OMG why is he here? What does he want? I found a blank piece of paper. There was a pen next to it. I wrote,

Dear One Direction, Elyar Fox has taken me by the time you read this. I love you all. I don’t know what he wants but I am going anyway. He said he will kill you all if I don’t. I want you all to live.... I don’t care what I have to do with him as long as you are all safe. Please don’t come after me. Send me mind messages if you have to to make sure I am ok. I love you all. I will answer your mind messages. Please stay away. Love from Elena.’ I fold it up and put it in Louis’ pocket that has his phone in. I packed my stuff and went downstairs. I went into the living room to see Elyar on the couch. I ask,

“Why do you want me? How do you know it’s my birthday?” He stands up and walks towards me. He stands in front of me and says,

“My boss is the one that wants you. I know it’s your birthday because I heard the boys talking about it and how they are going to throw a surprise party.” I grunted,

“Urrrrrrrr. I hate having parties. I hate my birthday. I hate my life. I hate having money spent on me. But the thing is I didn’t tell them. Wait! Of course! Harry! His power! I hate him for that!” Elyar chuckled. He grabbed my bags and walked out the door. Outside was a car waiting. He popped open the trunk and put my bags in. He held open the door and gestured for me to get in. I obeyed and got in. He closed the door and went to the passenger side by the driver and got in. He simply said to the driver,

"Get going. We don't want to be late now do we?" And with that we took off. I decided to fall back to sleep considering I didn't get a good night sleep.

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