Chapter 15

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Elena's POV

After that nightmare I woke up, hoping that we weren’t on that bridge. It was dark outside. I looked through the front window hoping that there wasn’t a figure in the road. But there was. My nightmare was coming true. I shouted, “Look out!” The driver turned the wheel so hard that we went off the bridge into the water. The car started filling up with water. My door wouldn't budge. I turned to check the other door when I saw my brother Jeremy! ‘This is it. I’m going to die! I hope the boys don’t come! I want to die to keep them safe.’ 5 people swam down to us. It was the boys. They broke off the doors. They tried getting me out first. But I shook my head. I pointed to Louis and Niall then pointed to Jeremy. Then to Zayn and Harry then to Elyar. I pointed to Liam then the driver. I mouthed, ‘I love you’ to Louis. He mouthed the same back. They got them out as fast as they could so they could rescue me. I don’t want to be saved. So I took out my pocket knife, that I grabbed before I left with Elyar, and made a big gash across my stomach. I saw Louis with a shocked look on his face but he also looked like he was scared. He broke my seat belt and picked me up bridal style. He kissed my forehead and I cuddled into his chest. Blackness took over me then.

Louis’ POV

Me and the boys were right behind the car that had Elena in. I heard her shout, “Look out!” Then they went off the bridge. I got a little glimps of the figure. It was Rebekah Mikaelson. Of course! She wants Elena dead so her brother, Niklaus, can use her doppelganger blood to make hybrids. Anyway, more on her later, me and the boys jumped into the water. I heard Elena’s thought say, ‘This is it. I’m going to die! I hope the boys don’t come! I want them to be safe.’ We swam down to them. We broke off the doors and tried getting Elena out first. She shook her head. I thought, ‘Urrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Why does she have to be stubborn?!’ She pointed to me and Niall then at Jeremy. Then to Zayn and Harry then at Elyar. She pointed to Liam then the driver. She mouthed, ‘I love you’ to me. I mouthed the same back. We got them out as fast as we could so we could get Elena out as well. We got to the surface and I put Jeremy down. I said,

“I’m going back down for Elena. Make sure their fine.” I jumped back in and saw a red liquid. I knew it was Elena. I got further down and saw Elena with a big gash across her stomach. She saw me with a shocked and scared look. I broke her seat belt and picked her up bridal style. I kissed her forehead and she cuddled into my chest. She blacked out after that. We got to the surface when I saw Elyar and the driver awake. I put Elena down gently. Her heartbeat was gone. That means doppelganger blood. I love her but now she will be in danger now! I saw absolutely angry. I went upto Elyar and shoved him up against the near by  tree. My hand around his neck.

“You bastard! You killed Elena! You’re going to pay!” I knew he was only a werewolf and the driver was a vampire. So I could torture him easily. He stutters,

“I-I was o-only trying to get her to my boss! R-Rebekah w-wasn’t part of t-the p-plan! I w-was just t-told to g-get her to N-Niklaus!” My grip on his neck got tighter. He was unable to breathe and that gave me pleasure. The boys were shouting,

"Louis! Let him go! Obviously he didn’t know this would happen.” I reached into my pocket and grabbed some wolfsbane and shoved it down his throat. He screamed and blacked out from the pain. I smirked and turned to the boys. They gasped. Elena sat up gasping for air. I could feel the veins growing under my eyes and my eyes going red. Elena stood up and walked dramatically towards me. She slapped me round the face and said,

“You should be ashamed of yourself. He didn’t know Rebekah was going to get involved. You should have told me that I was a Petrova Doppelganger. In fact, considering your current status with the veins and red eyes, I bet you cant help yourself but want to drain me dry. Well guess what? You don’t scare me. If you come anywhere near me and try it...” I interrupted her and said,

“You’ll what?” She smirked. She pushed her hand into my chest holding my heart. She said,

“I will personally rip your heart out. Your choice.”

A/N: Hey guysssssssssss. What do you think? Sorry it's taking me so long to update. It's because I write my chapters on paper and then type it on the computer. Anyway if you have any questions inbox me them and I will answer them before the next chapter. Also I want more characters in my story. So if you want to be in my story just inbox me with:



good or bad person


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