Chapter Ten

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So, apparently they didn't actually live in an expensive mansion. The mansion actually belonged to Katelynn's sister, Cathrine, and Cathrine's late husband John. Apparently, Cathrine worked as a surgeon in one of the local hospitals, so she got paid a lot to help people. Even if I didn't meet her, I thought of her as a good person. Helping people live, instead of working as a cashier at Dollar Tree, or something. Not that, that is bad, or anything. Being an Angel of Life, I found value in living things. When I see someone or something hurt, I feel strangely constricted, and I end up wanting to help them. So, knowing that Cathrine helped made me happy, and strangely proud that she chose that profession.

Lucus ignored me the whole ride to their house, and instead, stared out of the window as shops, and fields passed by. It was only a ten minute ride before we pulled into a nice brick house, with a doghouse in the front yard. There was a small dirt walkway leading up to the wooden door, which had quartz knob, and window. I climbed out of the car with everyone, and followed them up to the door, only to have a small dog stop me in my tracks when it started sniffing me. I smiled widely and knelt down, rubbing the bulldog just behind the ears, making it stick out it's tongue and lick me. I chuckled, and pet it once more before getting up, and following everyone inside. The first room we walked into was the living room, a large space with floor-to-ceiling windows, which surrounded a brick fireplace. There were two ivory chairs, with geometric pillows, on either side of the fireplace, matching the two ivory couches that sat about ten feet away from there. The floors were made from polished wood, clean, and shiny from excessive cleaning. And the wall to the right of us opened up into a kitchen/dining room area, adorned with a steel fridge, granite counters, plenty of cooking space, and a long cherry wood table, that was covered in unused plates and glasses.

I blinked in awe, taking everything in with wonder, and I walked over to one of the couches and placed my hand on it, feeling the softness of the fabric trail beneath my fingers. Lucus brushed past me and I glanced up, then looked at Katelynn, who nodded at me. I followed Lucus into another room, this one adorned with a queen-sized bed, and a light blue couch, which sat on the left side of the room next to an entertainment system and bookcase. I let my eyes travel across the light blue walls, which were covered with posters of bands, and...anime, I think it's called? His bookcase was filled with games, some books, pictures of him and his family, and small bobbleheads of some kind of...Walking Dead character, according to the words on it's chest. I looked to the left and saw a dresser next to a large closet...which housed a very...ah...lewd looking young lady. I averted my eyes from the half naked woman, and walked over to the bookcase instead. I studied the pictures, each of them having a younger Lucus, or a girl I never met. There were a few photos where Lucus was with Katelynn and Allen, all of them looking happy, and like they were having fun.

I smiled softly at that, and turned around to face Lucus, who was in the process of taking off his shirt. I immediately lowered my gaze with a blush, when I stopped, seeing faint scar-looking lines on his wrist. My eyes widened, and I hurried over to him, taking his arms into my hands, and ignoring how he shot a deadly glare at me. I studied his wrists, and sure enough, there was an arrange of scars lining his wrists all the way up to his elbows. Lucus tensed, but didn't say anything. I looked up at him with worried eyes, watching as he intentionally ignored my gaze. "What happened?"

Lucus scoffed and yanked his arms back, making me stumble forward a bit before I caught my balance. "I fell." He deadpanned.

I rolled my eyes, and crossed my arms. "Cuts like those don't result from merely 'falling', Lucus." I pointed out, staring intently at the other boy.

Lucus' lips twitched and he walked over to his bed, plopping down on it with a sigh. "I don't have to tell you anything. We're not friends, and we sure as hell will never be."

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