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Liza's POV

Fuck school. It ruins everyone's vibe. I could be doing so much more activities then going to a lame ass school with the same fucked up people. I don't really have friends. They all left me because I "changed" or whatever. My dad's in jail and mom only hangs out with her new boyfriend at his house all the time. I have a pretty fucked life. But everyone knows I'm the boss. They just think I'm a bitch without knowing the whole story. And maybe I am. Or maybe it's something way beyond that. I don't care about life anymore. I just go where the wind takes me. But I still want to have a future, just not a boring one. However I don't want to be a high school drop out. I'm not who I display on the outside. At least not anymore. After what happened... it emotionally and physically hurt me. Now my only enemy is myself. I hate myself. I hate that I did this to myself. I could've still had friends. I could've still had a mom. I could've still had it all. But I don't. Because no one would like me. I wouldn't like me either. And I don't. And I never will. That is until one night. Where I found a person that was too pure to be true. And I knew if I got too close, I'd ruin him. And that's exactly what I did.

Ooooouuu new story! I don't know what are my posting schedules so don't be surprised if I disappear for more than a week lol. Check out my oneshots on Diza. Well that wasn't needy. Anyway yeah ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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