It's .. Complicated Ch.23

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Super short chapter! But I kinda wanna update everyday but that won't happen knowing how much I procrastinate. Get your hearts ready for next chapter though lollllzzzz. Haha I'm obnoxious okay.

David pants as he's chasing the fast car. His hair flops with each step he takes. The car stops at a red light. David stops as well. When the light turns green David starts running again however the car speeds up. David picks up his pace. The window rolls down and there you see Kevin.

"Go away Dobrik!" He yells but David keeps running. The car slows down and Kevin pulls out a gun. "Get lost kid! Or I'll use it!" He threatens and David backs off. After he catches his breath. David sits down on the concrete floor while he pants.

Then he sees Paige walking across the street from him. "Paige!" He yells. She looks over at him in confusion. He signals her to come over to where he is and she does so.

"May I ask why're on the floor?" She says with a slight chuckle, sitting next to him. "Oh, I was chasing a car. A black Tesla to be exact" he replies almost laughing at his ridiculous actions. "Hey I saw you crying with Axel and Kevin a bit earlier, are you okay?" He asks. "Uh.. yeah I'm okay. It's uh-complicated" she answers, trying her best not to stutter.

"You can tell me anything" he says quietly, now grabbing her hand to his. She looked away from him, sort in fear. "Paige" he calls, making her look into his eyes. "I'll be here if anything okay?" He says and she slowly nods. They lean closer until their lips touch. Paige smiles softly into the kiss as he cups her cheeks.They stay like this, for what feels like forever. But then she remembers.


She pulls away from the kiss and stands up. "I-I'm sorry I can't do this" she says apologizing to David. "What happened?" He asks confused. "I can't do this to Liza" she answers. "Liza and I aren't together anymore-" "It doesn't matter David! Liza .. Liza she loves you. A lot. And .. and i can't love you. I'm a bad person. And now I'm not trying to make things worse. So please.. just, talk to Liza" she says and frantically walks away.

David looks shocked as to what happened. What did she mean? David thought she didn't like Liza. Everyone was telling his to just see Liza. But he wouldn't.


"Okay Elizabeth, you're free to go, take care" the receptionist says to Liza before her and her mom walk out of the hospital. Liza let's a deep sigh out as she's thankful to not be there anymore. It's a Wednesday, so she'll be back in school tomorrow.

"You think you'll be ready to go to school tomorrow?" Her mom asks. "Uh Yeah, I guess" she says. Liza doesn't know to be honest.

"Do I tell him?" Liza asks suddenly. "What?" Her mom says. "Tell who what?" She adds.

"Dad. About the baby. Do I tell him?" Liza questions. "Don't, I don't think it's a good idea" Her mom answers. "I haven't talked to him in a while" Liza says looking at her feet. "Maybe it's for the best" Liza's mom concludes as they get in their car.

As they drive back home they stop at a red light. Liza looks over at the window and her heart sinks. Yep, you guessed it.

She saw David and Paige kissing. The light turned green, and they drove off.

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