The Letter Ch.25

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I may or may post chapter 26 today I'm sorry I'm trying to finish 13RW lmao. I'm only on the eighth episode. Anyway enjoy this chapter. It might piss you off but who cares.

As Liza got to her locker she opens and grabs her morning binder. She also finds a note that read;
Meet me at library after fifth period
It's urgent!

Liza squinted at the note and looked around. She rolled her eyes and crumpled the paper in her hands and threw it away. As she made it to first, she didn't see David anywhere, but she brushed it off. Just like he did when she was at the hospital. He didn't care. Why should she?


"I told you I was out" "I don't fucking care, what the hell were you thinking Paige? Huh!? You think that by telling David he'll save the world? He'll save her? He can't! He won't! The only person who can save Liza is herself. She brought this upon herself! It's not your job to tell David-"

"Stop! You guys are always fighting" Axel says with his hands covering his face. "I'm tired of it" He finishes. "I'm sorry" Paige says quietly while Kevin scoffs. "We were doing so good! And you two had to fuck everything up!" Kevin yells and Paige gets behind Axel.

"You're a stupid bitch Paige!" Kevin says slamming his hand on a dusty coffee table. "Don't call her that" Axel says gritting his teeth. "Shut the fuck up Axel cause your little bitch girlfriend is gonna-" however Axel punches Kevin in the face. Kevin glares at Axel and swings a punch. They start tackling each other when Axel pins Kevin on the floor of the school basement.

"Guys stop it!" Paige yells pulling Axel off Kevin. "That son of a bitch has said enough" Axel says breathing heavily. "Look, we need to work together right now, not rip each other apart. So Kevin, Axel, cut the bullshit and let's get going" Paige says and the two boys nod. As Kevin walks ahead, Paige pulls Axel back.

"Uh, I have to tell you something" she says twiddling with her fingers. "What is it?" He asks. "I-I know that we've been having a .. a thing going on for a while" says and he nods. "And I felt like I have to tell you this. I kissed David the other day. It didn't mean anything-really" Paige said and Axel rolled his eyes.

"You know David's a dick. All the girls think he's great. I've been here long enough to know that he's got history with girls. And you- I thought you were different. I had one thing that he didn't. And it was you. And now he's got you too" Axel scoffs. Paige tries to stop him from walking away but he forcefully yanked his arm away.

Paige stood there in shock and defeat. Her eyes watered but she didn't cry. She pulled herself together and walked out of the basement, following the other two.

As Liza walked to the lounge she was pulled into the library. When she saw clearly all she saw was Paige. She scoffed.

"So you were the one with the stupid note" Liza says crossing her arms. "Liza please don't go" Paige pleads. "What do you want?!" Liza yells. "Look it's about David" Liza rolls her eyes. "If you're asking me permission to date him or something go ahead" Liza says and starts to walk but Paige stops her.

"No it's not that, Liza-" "I don't care about him okay?!" She says annoyed. "Liza he needs your help-" "And I needed his. At the hospital. And he never showed up. So why should I?" Liza says before pushing Paige forcefully out of the way and walks out of the library. Paige stands there and sighs.

When the school day ends Liza gets a ride home from Scotty and Kristen. She thanks them and gets out. When she opens the door she finds her mom feeding Anthony. "Hi mom" Liza says and kisses Anthony.

"There was a letter delivered for you, I put it on your vanity" her mom said cleaning Anthony up. "Who's it from?" Liza asks. "I don't know, it was just addressed to you" she answers.

Liza walked up the stairs and into her room. She closed the door and picks up the letter. In nicely written handwriting it says "Elizabeth Koshy" and nothing else. Liza furrows her eyebrows and sits on her bed. She opens the envelope and takes out the letter;

Hello Elizabeth,
I have your precious boyfriend here with me. And by the looks of it he doesn't seem to be doing any good. He's been hurt pretty badly, I wonder who did it to him. You'll probably blame me, but you're the one who hurt him the most, emotionally. I'm only doing the light work. If you care about him, meet me at the park at 12 midnight and DO NOT BRING ANYONE. Your questions will be answered tonight. Until then my love,

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