Till death do us part Ch.11

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Hey Babes!  New chapter and it's not the weekend?! Wow! Maybe there will be a bonus chapter coming on Saturday or Sunday.. who knows.
Anyway school can kiss my ass
Enjoy the chapter!
Comment because you guys make me feel better!

No ones POV
Liza runs up to Scotty and wraps her arms around him.

"What happened?!" He asked and Liza spills everything about her and David.
She leaves out the part about what exactly the argument and left out anything that has to do with her father but Scotty didn't want to ask.

"That's awful Liza, I'm so sorry I couldn't be here sooner" he says comforting her.

"Where's Kristen?" Liza says looking at him.

"She's home sick, I was at her every need for the first half of the day, then I saw someone tweeted about your little episode today and I came here, to check if you were okay" he says simply.

"Aw, thank you, is Kristen okay?" She asks trying to get the topic off of herself

"Yeah, she just has the stomach flu" he says with a frown.

The bell rings and they get up to go to seventh period.

Liza's POV
*In class*
I walk on and see David and Paige making out in the back. I avert my eyes from them to my seat and sit down.
As time goes by I try to get the image of them together out of my head. It's not that I'm jealous, well I am, but what really hurts me is the fact that David moved on so quickly. It only makes me question how much he really loved me. I start to tear up and a tear rolls down my cheek on to the desk. My hair covers my face so no one will see my silent crying. I pull it together and walk out the class when the bell rings.
However because of my life someone pulls me back. It's David.

"Hey can we talk?" He asks. And to be honest, I don't want to talk to him.

"Not right now I'm sorry, I have to get to class" I say trying to get out of the conversation.

"But you have free period right now, every Monday Wednesday and Friday eighth period" He says correcting me.


"I have to go help someone study" I lie once again.

"No you don't, you would've told me before" he persists.

"Okay David don't you get it?! I don't want to talk to you!" I yell and storm away.

I leave him speechless.
Sure I feel bad but he hurt me too.
Yeah I broke it off with him but he could've at least pretended to not move on so quickly.

As I storm off I turn the corner and head to the lounge. Then, I get out a book and start doing my homework, knowing that I'm going to face hell later.

*Bell rings*

I pack up my stuff and walk out the room but I'm once again stopped by someone. I'm already fed up so I turn around and scream
"Get the fuck away from me!" However I soon realize it's Scotty.

"Oh my god Scotty I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone els-"

"Liza, it's okay, you've had a rough day, I totally get it" he assured me and I smile, calming down. Scotty is like my older brother, since I never had an older sibling figure to look up to, I depend on Scotty. I love him so much. I really couldn't ask for more from him.

"Do you want me to give you a ride home?" He asks. I hesitate to say yes or not, what if he sees my dad? What if my dad sees him? I end up saying yes anyway, considering the fact that I already had enough today.

"Thanks Scotty! I owe you one" I say smiling.

"No problem Liza, and it's on me, you don't owe anything" He says, returning the smile.

"Well, see you tomorrow?" He asks from the car, I'm standing outside the car, the window rolled down.

"Um yeah I guess" I say.

"Okay well bye Liza, be safe"

"Yeah of course" I say, if only he knew

As I walked away from the car I sigh, mentally preparing myself for what I walk into.

When I open the door I see beer bottles everywhere on the floor, the couch all messed up and the TV on. However there is no devil to be found. I walk up the stairs and hear noises coming from.. my room?

When I open my room door I see my own father having sex on MY BED. I quickly gasp and slam the door shut. I'm trembling at this point, just standing at the door. I slowly walk back down, still shocked and disgusted. I fix up the living room before I slide down the wall, and onto the floor. I put my head in my hands and cry, what is my life?

My phone starts ringing and I dare to look who it is


I look at my phone in shock. I haven't talked to her in so long. What could she possibly be calling me for? Does she know her psychotic husband is back?

I look at the phone before the ringing stops. Then I realized I needed to pick up. I frantically pick up my phone from the floor and call her back.

It went to an automatic voicemail. I put the phone down and look at the wall.
Why did I do that?!
Why am I so stupid?!
That was my ONLY chance!
And I ruined it!!

I scream out to the top of my lungs and sob.

"Why?" I whisper

"What did I do? To deserve this? Please, give me an answer.. please" I say raising voice a little,  potentially giving up.

"Because Elizabeth, life isn't fair" a cold voice speaks.

I look at him with tears in my eyes and a hurt expression on my face.

"Poor girl, you know nothing about the real world"

"I know that regular kids with regular parents don't go through this! I know that regular teens don't get raped by their own parents! I know that if you were still in jail, I would be so much happier. You know why? Because I found happiness" I yell.

"What? That boy? He's just a teenager with hormonal actions. He's nothing to you, he's nothing but the- nothing" he stutters.

"What? He's what?!" I ask.

"He's nothing Elizabeth"

"Tell me! I deserve to know!" I say yelling at him

"YOU DESERVE NOTHING" he says grabbing me by the neck and pinning against the wall. I can barley breath at this point, his grip is just too strong and tight.

"Try to yell at me again! You've become so much more confident since the last time I was here. I think you forgot how I work.." he threatens.

I move my head no, tears in my eyes. And not because I'm sad or scared.. because I can't breath.

He sets me down and takes me to my room.
In there, he did unspeakable things to me. Horrifying things.
I had hickeys all over my body and I have marks on my neck from him gripping me.

I feel hurt.
Like I'm nothing but a toy.
I've tried blacking our before.
But not this time.
I'm not swallowing pills.
I'm not gonna drink to my death.

Because my father will be the death of me.
He will be the reason I die a very painful death.
He's the reason I've lost everything.

My everything.
David Dobrik.
I love you.
I never stopped.
And I will never stop.
You're my one and only.
For as long as I'm alive.
Because forever is a long time.
And it feels like I don't have much time left.

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