You're Mine Ch.16

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For anyone who doesn't ship Lixel is gonna hate me for this chapter 😂 We got over 50 comments last chapter! Can we beat that?! Also you guys are my everything with your hilarious remarks! Thank you for supporting this story!
Also yes I'm obsessed with this song above but don't play it until I tell you to^

Liza's POV
I wake up to the sound of a fucking baby crying. Does he ever stop?!
I get out of bed and go to the nursery. My mom is a heavy sleeper so I'm pretty sure she wouldn't even hear her own child crying for awhile. I get a bottle for it, I mean him, and shake the formula and water and heat it up.
"Here you little shi-baby" I say. I give it to him and he gladly takes it.
"Finally" I sigh and walk out of the room and back to my bed. Once my head hits the pillow the little shit starts to cry again!
I jump out of bed now stomping to the crib.
"What do you want!" I whisper-shout.
Once he sees my face he smiles. I roll my eyes and walk away but he starts to cry again.
"Yo dude! I'm not pretty so I don't know what you want to see" I say already pissed off.
I keep staring at him and he giggles. My heart softened a little.
"Come here" I say and pick him up. I take him to my room and lay him on my bed. I take pillows and make a border around him so he won't fall off the bed. I lay next to him and put my hand on his little head.
"Just because I'm letting you sleep here doesn't mean I like you. Okay fine, you're cute or whatever but you're so god damn annoying bro" I say.
He looks at me and smiles.
"You're so innocent" I say kissing his head.
"How did you end up in this family, you don't deserve this life" I say with sorrow.
"One day, we'll run away together. I'll take you away from these people and you'll never get to see them again. Okay? I promise you won't have to live the life I did. I won't let it happen" I say and kiss his forehead before falling asleep.

As I hear my alarm I get scared because the baby isn't next to me.
"What the hell?!" I say looking around
"Um, baby! God what's your name-ANTHONY! ANTHONY!!" I yell out.
"Jesus Christ I'm going to be a horrible mom" I say panicking.
"You're not, he's right here" my mom says walking in the room with him in her arms.
"Oh thank god" I say sighing out
Anthony gives me a big smile and stretches his arms out for me to hold him.
"Hi baby!" I say in a baby voice while carrying him
"I see you're getting along with him" my mom smiles.
"That still doesn't mean I'm happy with you" I reply
"Elizabeth-" my mom says before my phone rings. My mom picks up my phone since I have Anthony in my arms.
"Who's Axel and why is there a heart and smile emoticon next to his name?" She asks
"God mom emoticon? You're so old! And it's none of your business" I say grabbing my phone
"Hey I'm 32!!" She says and I roll my eyes and pick up the phone

"Hey Axel!" I say
"Oh hey! I was starting to think you didn't like me anymore" he says laughing nervously
"No no! I was just caught up in something but I'm okay now" I say
"Okay, well I was making sure that you're still up with me picking you up?" He asks
"Yes of course" I say
"Cool, See you in a bit! Bye Liza"
"Bye!" I say and hang up.
"May I ask-"
"No! Get out" I say playfully pushing my mom out the door

As I get dressed I'm wearing this

As I get dressed I'm wearing this

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