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Aphmau's POV
Shad and Irene left the room. I started crying my eyes out. I couldn't bear the thought of breaking up with Aaron, why would my mum say that! I get Aaron is a shadow Knight and everything but, STILL!

Aar-Aph, it's ok, we will fix this!
Aph-no, no we can't, my mum will marry Shad if we don't break up and I can't be your step sister, I can't! It would make me miserable for the rest of my life.
Aar-Aphmau please, I can't lose you. I'm not going to find someone like you ever again, it took me long enough to find the right girl, Aphmau I can't lose you again.
Aar-Aphmau please! At least let me convince your mum and my dad please!
Aph-Fine, but if this is it...
I went up to Aaron and kissed him. He kissed back, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist, which deepened the kiss. We pulled away and I started crying.
Aph-I love you Aaron. Don't forget that.
Then Aaron walked out of the room ready to go and talk to Irene and Shad.

Irene's POV
Shad and I walked out of Aphmau and Aaron's room, I felt really bad, but it's for the best.
Shad- So, that we eventful.
Irene-It's been years since I've seen Aphmau and she has a boyfriend! It could have been anyone in the world but no, it had to be Aaron!
Shad- you know we should tell Aaron and Aphmau about us.
Irene-How would we say it, oh hey Aphmau, oh by the way your dad isn't your dad and Aaron's dad isn't his dad!
Shad- well it's true!
Irene- How would I explain to Aphmau that you as in SHAD THE DESTROYER, is her father!
Shad- we can't keep it a secret for ever. I was thinking of telling Aaron that Enkis his dad but, I don't know how to...
Irene- And how would we explain why I'm with Aaron's father and your not with me?
Shad- We tell the truth! Enki and Menphia, had a kid and BAM! That made you Aaron!
Irene-how is he Shadow knight in the first place?
Shad-I made him one, but does Aph know that she's a shadow knight?
Irene-No, at least I don't think so.
Shad- well it's settled we won't tell them.

Aaron's POV
I walked out of the room and into the foyer, I saw Irene and Shad talking, I got a little closer to here what they were talking about, and what I heard I wish I never heard in my life.

I'm not Shads son? Enkis my dad! Shads Aphmau's dad! WHAT IS GOING ON! I couldn't take it anymore I burst in and yelled at them.
Irene-AARON! How much did you hear?
Aar-From the part where you said that Enkis my dad and Shads Aphmau's!
Shad-Aaron, we can explain, we can even have this conversation with Aphmau in the room.
Aar- is this why you wanted Aphmau in the nether! Is that why you wanted her to be a shadow knight! So she can find out on her own!
Irene-Aaron sit down, come here, we can talk about this.
Irene- Enki and I aren't married let alone dating, we don't even share a bed! And I am engaged to Shad, before we got married we had Aphmau. And Enki and Menphia had you. When the big war happened between Shad and I Enki made me come with him or he would kill Shad. I couldn't let that happen so I went with Enki. Menphia died in the war and Shad was banned to the nether.
Shad- we wanted to tell you but we couldn't, Enki is a big good for nothing ass who doesn't know what love is!
Irene-Shad language!
Aar- So Aph and I can date without it being awkward?
Shad- well it's still bad, because Enki is living with Irene and Aaron is living with me, there is no way that Enki would let you date Aphmau, since she's my daughter.
Aar-Oh, well I don't care I'm dating her!

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