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Aphmau's POV
I sat there just looking at Aaron. He had ears and a tail? He just looked down at the floor. But if hes a werewolf why does he need the bandana

Aph- your a werewolf?
Aar- not just, a werewolf.
Aph- what does that mean? DO VAMPIRES EXIST!
Aar- what aph no! I'm the Ultima werewolf.
Aph- w-what? But I thought that was a myth!
Aar- that's what everyone thinks. But it's not. Not everything in the legends about Ultimas are true though, like for example we don't kill people for fun. Some did, but I never let myself be controlled by my curse.

I ran up to him and hugged him.

Aar- what's this for?
Aph- for everything. At least I'm not the only one cursed. How does the Ultima thing work.
Aar- what do you mean?
Aph- like family wise. Does it get passed down to your kids and stuff.
Aar- yes. The Ultima werewolf's are one family. It's likely that the curse doesn't get passed down to the first child though.
Aph- then how did you get the curse? Your the only kid Enki and Menphia had. Wait, does that mean Enki is and Ultima!
Aar- well to answer both your questions, Enki is not a werewolf, I would be able to sense it, so it must have been Menphia. And I have a sibling. She did at 2 though. Didn't even get to meet her.
Aph- Aaron...
Aar- it's ok, I never met her so.

Once Aaron stoped talking I heard someone walking our way.

Aph- AARON! Put your ears away.
Aar- what about me tail?

Aaron hid his ears and tail, then took of his bandana and put it in his pocket. He kissed my cheek and took a deep breath. Let's hope we can stop this from happening. The door swung open.

Laurence- Aaron, it's time.
I stepped in front of Aaron protectively.
Aar- Aph, what are you doing?
Aph- Laurence go tell Enki that over my dead body is Aaron being a sacrifice just so he can be more powerful.
Laurence- Arg! Fine, that's a bit going to work though.

Laurence stomped of and went looking for Enki.

Aar- aph why!
Aph- I have a plan, but I'm scared because if it doesn't work, your dead. Since your not letting me die you have to did it. Here's the plan, we go into the room that your gonna get killed in, then once we're in there you get ready, and I'll sit  at the back of the room, then I'll use my magics to make a storm and cut out the power, then I teleport you and I outside and we run.
Aar- 1) there's a magics barrier and 2) teleporting takes up a lot of your energy.
Aph- that's why it's risky.
Aar- if you want to try go ahead.
Aph- I love you Aaron.
Aar- i love you too aph, please don't forget me.
Aph- let's hope I will still see you after today.

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