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Aaron's POV
I left the foyer without another word, I had to tell Aphmau about this, I don't care if we can't date, I am. I walked into the room and Aph was pacing back and forth.

Aar-aph are you ok!
Aph-no I'm not, what did my mum say!
Aar-well, we can date, but...
Aph- but what?
Aar-I shouldn't be the one to tell you, your mum and dad are down stairs, they'll tell you.
Aph- my dad? Enkis down stairs...
Aar-just. Go down stairs.

Aphmau's POV
I went downstairs and saw Irene and Shad, but no Enki. I went over to them and started talking.

Aph-Mum, Aaron said dads here?
Irene-she was going to find out sooner or later!
Aph-find our what? Where's dad?
Irene- Aphmau, your father isn't Enki...
Aph- B-but HOW! Who's my dad then! Does Aaron know this?
Irene-Yes Aaron knows. Your dad is here.
Aph-and who is it!
Irene- well first, Aaron's father is Enki which is why you can't date, When the war happened between Shad and I Enki banned Shad here so that I wouldn't get involved. Because umm, we're engaged.
Aph-Y-you and S-Shad are engaged!
Shad-Aphmau, when the war ended Menphia died and Enki was mad, I mean he had a child with her, that child was Aaron. Then Enki was mad so banned me to the nether, after the war when I was banned, Irene had you... with me. We lost all connections with each other...
Aph-s-So I'm a daughter of the shadow lord and Irene?
Irene & Shad- Yes...
Aph- omg... that means im a...
Shad-Full shadow Knight.

I started to cry. The one thing I told myself never to become is a shadow knight, and I learn all this time I've been a FULL shadow knight!

Irene-Aphmau please! Stop crying!
Shad- is it normal for a teen to cry like this? I never did...
Irene- Shad! Shes in her puberty stages you know...
Shad-Oh, right...
Irene- although this cry seems more of a/-
My mum was interrupted by sha... I mean my dad, hugging me... it was a gentle hug as well.

Shad- shh, I know it's a lot to take in, and we'll let you take all the time in the world.
Aph- Why are you being so nice?
Shad- I mean, you are my daughter...
Aph- but you weren't nice when I got here.
Irene- ok well now that all this is settled we can all be one happy family again?
Aph- but wouldn't we have to live in the nether then? Shads, I mean, dads banned here.
Shad- that's why your mother went with Enki. 1 she didn't want you growing up in the nether and either did I, because I did and it sucked. And 2 Enki forced your mother to go with her because he always liked Irene.
Aph-but then, how did you get Aaron?
Shad- Enki abandoned Aaron in the war, so I took him. I would have given him to Irene but, well, I couldn't get in contact with her. Then whenever I took someone, Irene came, we would never fight, just talk. Soon enough I had re-gained connection with your mum, so I could call, but that only just happened.

As my dad was saying the last sentence, my Mums phone started to ring.
Irene- one minute.
Shad- ok.

Irene's POV
My phone started to ring so I went outside and answered it.



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