Chapter 27: Perfect (Important stuff)

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"Fight me Jeffershit," Alex shouted.

The entire group had been playing mariokart for a few hours, but Alex and Thomas have been more competitive than the others. It was probably because they all had way to much champagne. So now Thomas and Alex were rivals. Playing round after round , until they finally were forced to stop.

Alex pouted but John made him feel better by scattering kisses across his face. James sat behind Thomas and ran his fingers through Thomas' curly hair. Lafayette cuddled on the large couch, while Theo and Burr cuddled on the smaller one. The sisters giggling on the floor, making their own "cuddle puddle".

Pegs saw all of her ships come true right before her eyes. She smiled and pulled out her phone, Taking a picture of all the couples who weren't paying attention. They were all so cute.

They were all so happy

Everything was perfect

It was amazing

(Word Count: 154)


   We are about to have a major time skip. We are going to skip to 3 days before Christmas. This way I can post the Christmas special on time, and remain focused on finals next week. Please don't hurt me.

Anyways,You guys have decisions to make. For each day leading up to the christmas special im recognizing a different ship.

Day 1: Snowmen Building
Day 2: Hot Coco,Christmas Movies and cuddles.
Day 3: Holiday Cookie Baking

You guys get to chose which ship does what activity, so the vote will go until Dec. 17, before I start writing.

I will post the chapters each day leading up to Christmas irl. Hope you enjoy.


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