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*"He was such a cool guy!" Micah shrieks like his annoying kid self.

"Yeah, but you shouldn't interrupt Lyric when she's making friends. She's socially awkward enough because of us, so she doesn't really need any of us coming out right now unless invited." Endora hisses.

"Yeah, but it's not just any friend. It's a BOY! And I wanna meet this guy. He sounds haaaaawt." I say happily.

I've always wanted Lyric to make a boy friend that I can flirt with. She never talks to anyone, and it gets boring as fuck when people don't accept me like they should. I mean, if I was my own person, I'd be so much more popular and probably have a boyfriend. But since I'm trapped in Lyrics mind, I really have no choice.

Lyric is not who I imagine myself to look like. I've always pictured myself as my own person, with pretty auburn curls and gorgeous sea-blue eyes. Yeah, yeah, Lyric has blue eyes and shit, but mine would be much prettier.

"Cecilia?" I suddenly hear Lyrics voice from the eerie depth of her mind.

"Yeah?" I ask her curiously.

"Would you like to meet Casper?" She asks, and I get super duper excited.

"Oh my god, yes!" I shriek, taking her over.


It takes a few seconds for me to get accustomed to where I am. I look around, and it seems I'm in the guidance room. Mrs. Kostwell sits beside me, and some super adorable guy sits in front of me, staring at me. He looks like a crazy combination of Niall Horan and a quirky tumblr boy, which makes me adore him even more than I should.

And holy shit, Lyric really found a good one to be friends with. I'm gonna make him hers.

"Hey there." I smile softly, twirling my hair.

"Are you Cecilia?" Casper asks.

"Yeah..." I smile, taking Lyrics glasses off. My eyesight is perfect, unlike hers. Her prescription isn't terrible, but it's better I go without wearing the glasses.

"You can tell it's Cecilia from the sudden change of voice. Cecilia doesn't need Lyrics glasses either." Mrs. Kostwell boringly explains.

"Yeaaaah, I know this shit already." I mutter, softly rolling my eyes. "I came out to meet Casper, not hear lectures about myself."

"Well Cecilia, it's a pleasure to meet you." Casper smiles, extending a hand. I shake it willingly, smiling at him.

"It's an honor to meet you too. Lyric must feel happy to be making such an attractive friend such as yourself." I giggle, and he gives a slight chuckle in response, his face going into a slight blush.

"Well, uhm, thank you..." He smiles, looking down as if he is insecure. It's a bit odd to think of such an attractive guy being insecure... Maybe he's just awkward with compliments. Yeah, that's probably it.

"Ce, can you let Lyric back?" Mrs. Kostwell asks, and I groan in annoyance.

"Fine. She let me meet him, I guess I can let her come back." I mutter, closing my eyes.

*"Hottie and the bitch wants you back." I think to Lyric, then allow her to take over herself once again.*

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