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I come back into consciousness with tears streaming down my face. Was Meg out? Micah wouldn't cry, Micah rarely ever cries.

Though confused, Casper explains to me that it was Micah out. That really shocks me, and I had to apologize to the kids and Bonney. Whatever Casper needed to talk to Bonney about was said though, and he told me it was time to go.

"Honestly, I was just wasting time," Casper says as we hop in the car. "My parents are setting up some fancy party in our ballroom tonight and I could honestly care less about setting up or even attending for that matter. Prom is this week anyways, so why would I even want to go to my parents boring party?"

"Oh crap," I grab my head shamefully, looking down at my feet as we start to drive. "I forgot about prom this Friday. I don't have a dress or anything."

"Well I guess this is a good time to go shopping?" Casper turns to me with a big grin on his face.

"I'm actually broke. I spent my savings on my mom's present." I sigh.

"Please, I can buy you whatever dress you want." Casper laughs. "Don't worry about a thing. It's the least I can do for you as your date."

"Wait, date?" I question, looking at him curiously.

"I thought my going with you would've been clear already." Casper raises his brow at me, then turns his head back to the road.

"Well maybe I was going to take Damon or Alec, hmm?" I smirk.

"Over someone who already goes to your school?" He retorts. "Well too bad for them, because I already claimed you, and we're going to be the best couple there, next to the prom king and queen, which will probably go to Penny and her boyfriend."

"Yeah, but at least we don't have daily sex during school hours." I roll my eyes. Penny is one of those girls often called a slut behind their back, even though she only does it with her boyfriend. I would consider her more of a sex-addict rather than a slut. I guess that's just the price you pay for constantly allowing lust to control your body like some sort of never-ending high.

"True." Casper nods. "Surprised she hasn't gotten pregnant yet. I wouldn't want to have sex during high school because I wouldn't want to ruin a girls life if the protection failed."

"Some people just don't realize that." I sigh.

A moment of silence goes by, the only wholesome sound being the soft motor of the shiny car driving smoothly along the highway.

"After this, do you want to go to my place?" Casper asks. "My family's ball-type thing is something I've never enjoyed attending, so I'd like a worthy excuse not to be downstairs associating with classy braggarts and brainwashed parvenus."

"You know really formal words, don't you?" I question.

"It happens when you live with formal, highbrow exhibitionists." Casper rolls his eyes.

"With what?" I ask, understanding none of it. Casper chuckles.

"Rich, intelligent show-offs." Casper dumbs down for me and I let out an "ooooh" like a stereotypical dumb blonde would after having something obvious explained to her. "Most people would simply love the attention, but sometimes I wish I lived a normal life like I used to. But of course, my mom had to marry a rich guy and live with my rich uncle and aunt so they could be even more rich. I can't really complain about most of it though. It's always a good thing to have enough money in your pockets. Anyways, what colours?"

"For what?" I question.

"I think we should do a shade of blue. Something that will work well with your hair. Ever think of dying it brunette?" He continues, completely ignoring my question. "Micah told me that your biological mother had brunette hair. Is that your natural colour?"

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