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I look around, and the delicious scent of Caesar salad fills the air. One of the only foods I willingly eat, funny as that sounds. Caesar salad won't do me any harm. Afterwards, I need to take some of my medication anyways. I take it to try and calm down my alters. I refuse to let them take such a strong dose that it'll make them go away though. Most people with DID want their alters gone, but I don't. Mine aren't abusive (besides Endora sometimes), so I don't think there's any harm in having them. They've helped me through so much, so the least I can do is have them stay. I just take enough to help me manage them better. I can never remember the medications names, but my mom always can.

"Dinner's ready!" My mom says cheerily as she places the caesar salad bowl in the centre of the table. "Up for chicken today, Lyric?"

"Nah, the salad will be all." I say plainly.

"Come on girl!" Maria says peppily. "You need the protein on them skinny arms!"

"Hush, I'm fine with what I'm eating." I smile, standing up and walking to the kitchen. I sit down and begin to slowly eat as Maria and my mom sit in the two empty chairs of our circular dining room table.

"Now, tell me more about this Casper boy." My mom smiles.

"I only really talked to him at lunch. He just moved here today and none of my classes were with him I think." I say. "Only Meg would know, I guess."

"Ah, and we all know Meg isn't coming out any time soon." My mom sighs, putting a forkful of salad into her mouth.

"It's funny, I still have yet to meet Meg." Maria laughs. "I've been coming over for over a year and haven't met this fourth alter yet."

"That's because Meg only really comes out at school, or if I'm dealing with a problem. Her and Endora don't like coming out." I explain.

"Ah, well it's a good thing Endora doesn't enjoy visiting." Maria sighs in relief.

"Yeah, I guess." I sigh, shoving a huge forkful in my mouth so they'd stop dissing Endora. Anytime Endora hears negative conversations about her, she gets really dismayed. It wouldn't be fun if she managed to listen in on the conversation then was to come out. It just wouldn't turn out well.

Endora has hurt me in the past. She's the one who'll get frustrated with any situation, but she deals with it in a more frightening way than Meg. Endora does keep everyone in tip-top shape, except when she's out. She's terrified when anyone touches her, especially boys. She did support me talking to Casper today, which was nice. Probably because he hadn't placed his hand on me, only my lunch bag when we first really talked. It was a smart decision for him not to touch me without him even realizing it. If he did, Endora or even Micah could've gotten overwhelmed and freaked out. Endora would've done it in a much more harsh manner, which is what I don't really want happening. She has cut me before, but not because she hates me. It's just her way of expressing built-up anger. She wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose. She wouldn't hurt me if she was able to hurt just herself. One time, she even put me in hospitalization because she had slashes an artery. My mom said it was one of the scariest moments of her life. It was scary coming back into consciousness with the beeping of my own heartbeats on a monitor, unsure of what had just happened. Endora had written how sorry she was. I couldn't really not forgive her because she can't really control herself. Besides, I'd have to eventually; she lives inside my mind. Ignoring her and being angry with her would really only make it worse. Her anger is like a bomb, and anything that creates a spark will send her blowing up. That's why staying inside my mind most of the time makes her conceal everything.

I walked to my room after eating and taking my medication, basically not catching anything Maria or my mom was saying during dinnertime. I went to go brush my hair, until the ringing of a telephone was heard throughout the house. My mom picked it up, and I leaned my ear against my door to try and listen in on the conversation. I heard her mutter "Uhm, yeah. Let me get her." In a monotone voice. She then started walking towards my door, and I suddenly ran back to my vanity and began combing my hair again as if I wasn't eavesdropping.

"Lyric?" She asks, knocking on my door.

"Come iiiiin." I say in a sing-song voice.

"Someone wants to speak with you on the phone." She says in such a soft, monotone voice that I almost didn't hear her. Her voice was cold and nervous; a tone I've never really heard from her.

"Alright...?" I say in a questioning tone, putting down my hairbrush and grasping the phone in a shaky yet sturdy hand.

I bring the phone slowly to my ear, barely muttering out a "Lyric speaking..."

"Hi honey." A mans voice said, and I almost drop the phone. I wanted to gag at what he called me. "Do you remember me?"

That's when I heard Endora yell out a swear in the back of my mind.

I closed my eyes tight.

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