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((A/N: Spelling and grammatical errors later in the chapter are intentional, so don't freak out at me /.\ As well, some rave music to get you in the mood for this chapter.))


Casper opens the door after I finish getting into my hot party clothes. Casper was looking sexy as ever, though he didn't seem to be excited. He sighs, handing me a red rose. How sweet of him!

"Aww, thank you babe!" I shout, giving him a hug. Of course I wanted to kiss him, but I don't think that would be fair on Lyrics behalf. I take the rose and run to put it in the vase that the almost-wilting daisies from forever ago were resting in.

"Ready to go?" I ask him with a smile.

"I guess." He says, turning around.

"Bye Lyric!" Hailey suddenly shouts from her room.

"Bye Ha- Mom!" I change my mind on calling her Hailey because she'd probably get angry that I switched out with Lyric.

I walk outside, closing the door behind me. Though he doesn't seem happy with it, Casper links arms with me like a gentleman should. As we get to the car, Casper hops in the front seat instead of the back. Odd, I thought Lyric always wrote of him sitting in the back with her. Oh well.

As they drive, Casper whispers something to his maid, and she gets confused and speaks French back to him loudly. He replies in French, the only words I understand are my name and Lyric's name.

"Uh, I've forgotten something at home Cecilia." Casper tells me as he turns around to face me. "You don't mind if we stop there for a minute? Her house is in my neighbourhood anyways, so it'll be on our way."

"I don't mind at all!" I exclaim. "I heard your house is grand!"

Casper lets out a soft laugh, which sounded almost nervous. Oh well. The car ride was quiet, but I tried respecting it. We'll be getting loud and drunk as fuck tonight anyways. Maybe I'll even get some tonight, who knows?

We reach Casper's house. He hops out, of the car, saying "I'll be back momentarily." I wait silently with his maid, listening to the whistling of the birds.

Casper got back rather quickly. He was carrying a bag with him. It wasn't big, but it wasn't exactly small either. It was about the size of a small messenger bag. What could be in that bag that's for a party? Maybe some alcohol? Oh, good thinking, Casper!

We pull up to the house that the party is at. It's big, but it's nowhere near the size of Casper's house. People stand in front of the house, smoking some marijuana. Maybe I'll go smoke some with them later, who knows.

Though Zoë doesn't seem happy, she stops in front of the house. Casper hops out of the car, opening the door politely for me.

"Why thank you." I smile, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He sighs as if he doesn't like me, but I can see a blush forming slightly on his face. Maybe because it's the illusion that I am Lyric. Who knows...

"Do you even know who's hosting the party?" I ask Casper, and he shrugs.

"I don't remember. All I needed was the address and I'm good to go." Casper laughs.

"Silly Casper. Now c'mon, let's go get some drinks!" I shout, grabbing Casper's wrist and running past the druggies standing at the door.

I enter the room, the blaring sound of music entering my ears. I've never experienced a high school party before. Though I'm 22, Lyric is 18 which means I can experience these things without being the age. I never age anyways, so Lyric will eventually grow older than me. I was made at 22, and I'll die at 22. I have to live my life to the fullest.

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