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"Endora, please-" Meg starts.

"DONT FUCKING TELL ME TO CALM DOWN. HE'S GONNA FUCKING PAY!" I shout in so much anger, I wouldn't be surprised if I scared the living shit out of Lyric. It doesn't matter though. I'm taking over anyways.*


I stand in the room, clutching the phone tightly. The phone is silent, besides the soft 'shhhhh' noise on the other end. Almost as if the phone is giving me a pre-warning to calm myself. Well this isn't the goddamn time to be calm.

"... Lyric? Are you still there?" The despicable man questions. His voice sounds so plain, almost normal. Micah described him as a tall and scary man who always had something painful in his hand. I know he must be calling from the jail, but I have every right to scream at him.

"This isn't Lyric, you bastard." I hiss. "But at the same time, it is."

"Honey, what do you mean?" He asks, sounding confused.

"Do you know how much pain you have brought to Lyric and... Hmm, Micah? Cecilia? Meg? Do you know the pain you have caused for us?" I say, trying my best not to shout.

"Who's Micah, Cecilia, and Meg?" He asks really shakily.

"Oh yeah, you wouldn't know. You don't even know that the words I'm speaking are coming out of your own daughters fucking mouth! But get this; I'm not your daughter. I'm one of your daughters alters. You hear me? By making Lyric suffer, you fucking gave her DID." I hiss angrily.

"What's DID?" He asks almost painfully.

"Dissociative Identity Disorder. Should I dumb that down for you? Multiple Personality Disorder." I explain to him.

A second of silence fills the phone.

"Sir, do you have any idea what you have caused for her?" I continue. "Her life will never be the same again. My soul could've gone to my own goddamn body. But instead, I used my life to save YOUR daughter from pain. Now let me tell you, I have done a much better job than you ever will. And now, you can't forget that. And she will NEVER be able to forget that because she now has to live with 4 other fucking minds! And you created three of them. You may not have created me, but I sure as hell know you won't be the one to end me either. I'm only dealing with you to protect the others in Lyrics mind, including her. I'm sure you came to fucking apologize. Well guess what? Giving a mental illness to your own daughter means no bloody forgiveness! So don't you even think about crawling out of your little self-pity hole to apologize. She's never going to be the same again, and it's all your fault, asshole."

He stays silent for a moment before thinking of something to respond with.

"... Who created you, may I ask?" He decides to say. I guess he chose something partially smart to say. I would've teared his man-parts off if he apologized after my monologue of how he'd never get forgiveness.

"Oh, I guess that was something I could've added into my yelling. Lyric was raped. I protected her. She had so much happiness in her life when you left, that Micah, Cecilia, and Meg never really showed anymore. The rape triggered it again, and she made me because none of the others helped in time. Meg dealt with all your sexual abusing, by the way. That's why the pour soul is always crying. I know she said for me to never tell anyone what her part was, but you deserve to know the pain you brought it such an innocent girl. Meg and Lyric. You also did all your physical abuse to Micah. Micah is 5. You always were hitting and punching and shocking a little 5 year old boy. Verbal abuse? Cecilia. She would've been the most popular little shit ever if she wasn't sent to save Lyric from you. I won't forgive you, and neither will anyone else, you fucking bitch." I shout.

"... Listen. I don't know your name, but I wanted to talk to my daughter." He says, sounding as if he had tears almost welling his eyes.

"Listen." I reply in a mocking tone. "Lyric doesn't want to talk to you. You're a disgusting excuse for a man. Heck, you aren't even a man. You're a monster. The father is not the one who makes the child, it's the one who helps care for the child. You did a pretty good job at doing the fucking opposite. By the way, I am your 'daughter'. Thanks to your behaviour, you got 3 more, and a son. The best part; we all hate you. Good day, asshole." I click the 'end' button on the phone, gritting my teeth in anger. I feel a small tear roll down my cheek as I sigh and sit on the bed, the phone still in my hands.

"I fucking hate this!" I shout, throwing a pillow at the suddenly opening door. Only the pillow doesn't end up hitting the door; it hits Hailey.

"Endora...?" She says softly, fixing her hair after the accidental hit.

"Mhm?" I ask, looking down at my hands.

"Should you have let Lyric deal with her father?" She asks, walking over and kneeling next to my feet.

"No." I say in a straightforward tone. "He deserved it. He NEEDED to know what he has done to Lyric. If he is her father, he deserves the harsh fucking truth about her. And I deserve to tell him because I'm the one who bothered to keep private journals from each of them to find out what has happened with each one of them, even Meg. Just so I could one day yell at him for everything that he's ever done. I only got a little bit of what I wanted to say, but I can't do much when it's just over the phone. Besides, there's probably a call time list that inmates have or some shit."

A few seconds pass, due to the fact Hailey can't think of something else to say. Meaning I concluded the argument.

I could feel my nose beginning to run, and at that moment I realized I was crying. I went to wipe my eyes, but I got a load of black water from mascara all over my hand. Just fucking great. Lyric can't show up to her support group looking like this.

"Fuck all of this. Hailey, give me 5 minutes to re-do my makeup and I'll be in the car for MHC." I mutter, handing her the phone and walking towards the vanity. Hailey walks out, and I sort of just stare at my reflection. Pale face with black eyeliner running down my somewhat rosy cheeks; the only real colour to my face, besides the makeup. I take the glasses off and grab some makeup removing wipes, the black eyeliner, and some mascara. I debate a few seconds on grabbing black eyeshadow, but decide not to because I told Hailey 5 minutes.

I remove all the black line shit that went down my cheeks, then grab the liquid liner. I apply it thick; the darker, the better. While applying, the phone conversation continues replaying in my mind. I had probably scared and guilted the shit out of that man, which were two things he really deserved.

I put the eyeliner down and begin with the mascara, plumping up the eyelashes really heavily. It really only took a couple minutes to do all that, so I decide to use the couple minutes left to my benefit.

I look at the bed, then reach under, pulling out a journal. Meg and my journal. I flip, checking to see if she wrote back to me, which she did.

'Endora, how do you manage to be so strong with everything? I mean, you get the most shit from everyone, but you still manage to be yourself. You never cry, or get called a wuss. Yeah, you put Lyric in the hospital once, but you still manage to live such a strong-willed life. How do you do it? ~Megan'

Yeah, Megan is her real name. But she just likes being called Meg. Only I know her real name, and I'm the only one allowed to call her it. I don't know what her fuss is, but I respect her nonetheless.

"Meg, I'm really not that strong. I do cry. Some people just aren't how they seem to be. ~Endora'

I write a short message because I really don't have much time, then shove the notebook under the bed, grab Lyrics glasses, scurry out of Lyrics room, then hop in the car.

"Sorry I took a while." I mutter to Hailey. "Where'd Maria go, anyways?"

"Went home to do some things. Has some family get-together. Can't make it because Zumba classes, as you know. Never miss those." Hailey smiles.

"Yeah, I guess." I say with a small chuckle. Hailey is really the only one I feel that gets me. She doesn't ever act like she hates me. It's nice. "I guess I'll let Lyric out for you though. I'm sure you're sick of me by now anyways."

"Whatever you wish." Hailey laughs as she begins driving.


*"On your way to MHC, kid. Your dad is dealt with." I tell her, allowing her to take over.*

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