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"Lyric, almost ready for Warped?" Hailey shouts.

"Yeah!" I hear her shout.

Warped Warped Warped. That super loud music place. Lyric is going there with all my MCH friends! I think it sounds extremely exciting. It's hard to listen or watch what she's doing for a long time, but I want to see what's going on without being out, yanno?

Lyric grabs a black tank top, high waisted black skinny jeans, some black socks, underwear, and those weird cup thingies that I've learned go on the chest. Or as Endora taught me the other day, bobs. That's what they're called, right? Wait, isn't that a hairstyle? Yeah, I'm messing those things up. Whatever, I'm a boy so I don't need to know that stuff.

Lyric gets dressed in her chosen clothes. It's okay that I watch because I've gotten changed many times as her. It's technically our body, not just hers, so it's not super weird.

"Can't believe she's going to Warped, that lucky bitch." Endora says.

"You can always sneak out for a few if you wanted. I don't think Lyric would mind." Cecilia recommends.

"I guess I could. But wouldn't that be weird for her, to have a random black patch at the concert?" Endora questions.

"I'm pretty sure she's used to dissociation by now, Endora." Meg laughs.

"I'm being considerate. I wouldn't at least ruin her night." Endora scowls, Cecilia letting out a soft whimper, as if Endora hurted her by saying that. "It's all your fault Casper got into that shit today. God, I was ready to take over just to rip his mothers prissy little head off."

"Well sorry I didn't know Hailey was gonna be gone for the night!" Cecilia shouts.

"You weren't supposed to be out yourself, you inconsiderate bimbo." Endora hisses.

"Guys, get along. You're all hurteding my head." I whine.

"Shut up you little baby, this doesn't even concern you." Cecilia and Endora growl at the same time.

Ouchies. That was mean. I don't like being told stuff like that. Cecilia and Endora can be real meanies sometimes. I try to not listen to them. Instead, I try to super focus again and watch Lyric put on her makeup.

I get to watching when she's almost done. She's putting it on super thickly, but not as thick as Endora does. She looks like a rock-and-roll singer!

"Lyric, you look like a superstar!" I mind-speak to her. I see her smiling in the mirror.

"Thank you Micah!" She says happily back to me in her mind.

"Cecilia and Endora are being mean right now." I tattle to her sadly.

"Oh suck it up." Cecilia says to me all meanly and stuff.

"Can you guys please stop this?" Lyric sighs to us. "I don't want to deal with it."

"... Fine." Endora grumbles all angrily. "Oh, would you mind if I came out for a song, Lyric?"

"Go ahead. I don't mind." She says with a mind laugh. "Now I've gotta go, Michael is picking us up in some big car."

Lyric ran out the door of her room happily. I let myself relax.

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