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((A/N; Hey guys. This chapter is sort of going to be a shorter, filler-type chapter. I promise you that Fifteen will be a huge chapter and will make up for this one. Enjoy!))


I wake up in my own bed. I'm shocked at first, because wasn't I just at Caspers dinner table? Who was even out?

Drowsy-eyed and sleepy, I get my glasses on and reach for the journal. I flip to where the bookmark was placed to read whatever was written yesterday. The only alter I know for sure was out yesterday was Endora, but she probably didn't bother writing in the journal. She only writes in it when she's just doing her own thing.

I find the latest spot written in, and see that it was Meg who was out, which shocks me terribly.

'Lyric, Casper has invited me to spend the day with him on Saturday. Soon, you'll know my past. Casper said you really want to know what your dad did to me, and I'm going to tell Casper so I can tell you. If you'll let me, it would be appreciated. By the way, sorry, but I'm going to fall asleep as myself. I'll make you take over when I'm awake. I'd just like to notify that I agreed to the offer and you'll mostly be missing Saturday. Now get yourself ready for school and your therapist appointment. I'll meet you out in your first class. ~Meg.'

So it was Meg. That's a plot twist. She would never go out in a social situation. At least, she never has before. That just changed up everything.

I put the journal back on the table, getting ready for school, eventually leaving to start odd the day.


The day went by rather quickly. Meg did most of my assignments like always, which made the day go by fast. She, of course, hid at lunch time due to her anti-socialness. I got to talk to Casper for a bit at that time, though Mrs. Kostwell had pulled him out early to discuss something. That made me sit alone again, which made me need to take another one of my pills because I was nervous someone else was going to approach me. After lunch was finally over, I hid behind Meg once again for the rest of the day. I was picked up from school by my mom due to my almost immediate therapist appointment after school.

The therapist appointment went by like any typical one. He asked me if my anxiety is getting better or worse, how often my alters have been switching (I had to notify him about every single alter switching out yesterday, Micah and Meg more than once.), and how regularly I'm writing in the journal to my alters and how regularly they respond.

"Have you had any social improvements, by chance?" He asks curiously. I sit there, looking up at him with an awkward glance.

"Actually, yes." I say, which seems to surprise him more than I thought.

"Oh really?" He retorts.

"Yes. His name is Casper, and he attends my school." I tell him. "He just began attending yesterday. He's really nice and friendly." I smile.

"I'm proud of you, Lyric." He tells me. "It's a great improvement."

"Thank you, I try." I smile.

"Would Meg like to come out to visit me today?" He asks me, which is a question he asks at every appointment. He's been trying to get Meg to visit, but she won't.

"I'll check, though it cam almost guarantee you a no." I tell him.

*"It is a no. Do you even need to ask anymore?" Meg mutters, answering the question before I even ask it.

"Meg, it will help you." Endora sighs.

"I'm not going out no matter what you say. Now go tell the guy I said no, Lyric." Meg practically hisses.

"Okay.." I trail off with a soft sigh.*

"She said no." I tell him with a light eye roll as disappointment lightly surfaces his expression.

"Okay, maybe next week." He sighs.

*"Don't count on it." Meg scowls in agitation.*

After the last slight conversation, I had been dismissed from my appointment. We had gone home, and I sort of just enclosed myself in my room for the remainder of the day. It was a rather boring day, though I know that it's going to be the opposite for Meg tomorrow.

Before heading to sleep, I had grabbed the journal to write a response to Megs earlier entry.

"Meg, I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow. Refresh me on everything that happens, and don't get nervous. Take some of the anxiety pills with you if you get nervous. Have fun, and keep Casper in high spirits! ~Lyric."

I close the journal, placing it on my bedside table. I take my glasses off, putting them beside the journal, then allowing myself to go into a sleep that in my mind will last 30 seconds, but will actually last until Meg releases my from the depth of my dissociative mind.

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