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It's been a week now. A week since we gazed at the stars, a week since Warped Tour. A week since the bed incident and a week since I've talked to any of my alters. Meg has come out at school still for work, but I haven't talked to her. Micah, usually always itching to come out hasn't said a word to me, nor has he sprung out at any time. It's weird to hear silence in my head. My mind is usually always so... busy.

Sunday night; a night to relax after Meg and I finishing some homework. My mom just got back after a day out with Maria, who did in fact propose to her on my mom's birthday. It was so exciting. My mom asked me to be the maid of honour, which I find super cool. I've never gone to a wedding before, but I'm going to Mrs. Kostwell's daughter's wedding on July 8th, so I won't have to say my mom and my... well, other mom's wedding was the first I've been to. Their's won't be until next year though. Maybe then we won't have to go to a different state or Canada for the wedding because it'll be legalized here. I don't like planes, for the thought of them just scares me.

I get my pyjamas on and do my nighttime routine. Wash my face, brush my teeth; all those fun things. I then turn my bedside table's lamp on and turn off my room light, then grab the Alter's journal. I flip through to the latest blank page, wincing as my finger accidentally grazes one of the red stains. I stare down at where my finger touches. I go to flip the page, but my nail catches onto one of the corners dried together with my blood from about a year ago. Did I ever look at that page? I don't think so.

I try and open the page carefully, but it's dried together which makes it difficult. Though I rip it a bit, I get it open and look at the few words that were written on the page.


I flip to the page before and notice that it was her apology note. She must've written that the day she put me in hospitality. I slam the journal shut and put it on my table, turning the lamp off and grabbing my phone instead.

"Text Message from Roslyn o(^▽^)o"

That's strange, Roslyn rarely ever uses her phone besides Instagram, which is something I don't have. Curious, I slide the text open and read what it says.

"Hey Lyr. Just wanted to thank you for always being there for me. Have a good night."

That's even weirder. Why would Roslyn just text me something like that? Rather random I must say, but it's still sweet.

"You're welcome Rossie. You sleep well too. Sweet dreams xoxo"

I close out of it and look to see if anyone else has texted me. Of course, a pending message from Casper is there too. I smile and open it.

"Is it bad I want to skip school with you tomorrow to go to my cabin?"

His cabin?

"I never recalled you having a cabin (・◇・)"

"I do, Meg and I went there back when. Ps I really enjoy how you use those faces instead of emojis😝"

"I like to keep it original(≧∇≦)And really? Meg never told me exactly where."

"Lol yeah, you up for it?"

A sheepish grin slides across my face.

"I guess I'll be rebellious for you ;)"

"I figured." He sends, followed by a "(^∇^)".

"Lol, goodnight Casper." I giggle as I send the message.

"Goodnight." He sends.

I turn my phone off and put it on my bedside table. About a minute goes by until I hear it buzz again, so I look and slide the message open.

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