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"Hmph." I mutter, waking up to a sharp coldness nipping at the left side of my forehead, as well as my hand that seems to be holding the cold object to my head.

"Micah?" Rachel asks, touching my arm.

"Lyric." I laugh, closing my eyes.

"How do you feel?" I hear Damon ask.

"Cold." I mutter, my eyes opening almost as quickly as they closed.

"Not in much pain?" Damon asks curiously.

"Nah. I'm more cold than anything." I mutter, tossing the cold thing in my hand to the side as I sit up. Ice falls onto the floor. I guess it wasn't an ice pack...

"Here." Casper says, beginning to remove his sweater. I look at him as he moves, putting it on me. I look at him with a smile. That was seriously the cutest thing anyone has ever done to me in my life.

"Awwwh." Krystal and Melina coo. I smile, looking down.

"Thank you." I say.

"Don't worry about it." Casper says, and for the first time, I actually hear happiness in his voice. Not a humorous happy, but a caring happy. He truly sounds like he's going to be a wonderful friend.


"Cecilia, shut the hell up. The just met today for fucks sake." Endora scowls. "They've just got a fast move on their friendship. Calm your hormones."

"Hormones?" Micah asks curiously.

"Guys, hush." Meg mutters.*

"Everyone, sit back in your chairs. I know that was a rather... Interesting experience, but MHC is nearly over. If any of you want to chat and stuff, do so now." Michael says, and everyone irrupts into chatter. I stand up and head over to Roslyn, for I said earlier that I needed to talk.

"Over here." I say, grabbing her arm and pulling her up. I walk her to the corner of the room to privately talk to her. Everyone knows that when someone is taken to the corner to talk, it's serious.

"Rossi, give me the blade." I say to her, putting my hand out. She looks at me with an expressionless face.

".. No." She says.

"Roslyn, I don't want to fight it out of you. 'Cause I will, and you know I will. Hand it over." I say, my hand still out, awaiting the cold feeling of metal.

"It's new though. It's not dull, it leaves the perfect-"

"Give. Me. The. Blade." I interrupt her, and she scowls, ripping the blade from her pocket and handing it to me.

"For gods sake, I'll just get a new goddamn blade." She mutters as I pocket the blade to throw out in the near future.

Roslyn and I walk back to the group, and I take my spot next to Casper. He looks at me curiously, so I just give him a soft smile.

"What happened?" He asks, concern lingering in his voice.

"I had to stop something bad from happening." I say.

"Ahh." Casper simply says, looking down.

I fold my arms, feeling extremely warm and comfortable in Caspers' sweater. It has a feeling... A feeling I can't really describe. I want to say a safe feeling, but never in my life have I ever felt safe, nor do I think a sweater would be able to give me that kind of feeling.

Maybe it's just him that makes me feel safe.

"Lyric, my mom was curious if you'd like to come over for a couple hours after MHC. You know, my mom is someone who wants to make sure that there's going to be at least one person sticking with me for my start of school and that I won't be completely alone." Casper explains.

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