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*"Is Maria out there?" Meg asks. "Oh, it's a good thing Lyric got home safely."

"Ugh. Maria." Endora scowls.

"Maria?" I say preppily. "Oh my gooooood!"

Maria is like, my favourite person in the whole entire world. Heck, lots of people are my favourite people in the world! Mrs. Kostwell, Marisa, Hailey, Lyric... Oh, even Rosalyn and Willa are great too! Even Casper seems like a super duper good person, even though I'm super scared of boys. I know it's silly cuz I'm a boy, but it's okay I think cuz I live inside a girl. But Lyrics daddy was a scary man, so all mans are probably bad guys. Except superheroes. They're good guys. And me. I'm a good guy too. I think. I dunno. Lyric says I'm a good guy, so I like listening to her cuz she's a good girl. That's why I save her when she's getting hurted. I think hurted's a word...

"I wanna say hi to Maria!" I shout.

"Micah, stop being a little pain in the ass. Let her live right now." Endora scolds.

"I'm not a pain in the ass." I pout. "Lyric likes me anyways. So it's okay."

"Only go out when she needs help." Endora mutters.

"Don't tell me what to do! You aren't my mommy!" I shout at her, then take over Lyric.*


I look around the room super happily. I spot myself sitting next to Maria. Hailey, or Lyrics' mommy, stands in the kitchen making some sort of yummy food. I turn to Maria and give her the quirky grin I always give her.

"Hi Maria." I say happily.

"Hi Micah!" Maria smiles.

"Lyric met a boy today, and he isn't a scary boy!" I almost yell but still use my indoor voice. "Meg said for me to be super nice to him cuz Lyric needs friends, and Endora said not to be afraid of him. He's super fun! I wish all boys were like him. He reminds me of Damon!"

"I wish they were too. But isn't that Alec boy from MHC a nice boy too?" Hailey asks.

"He's hard to talk to since he can have strange mood flips along with his schitzowhatia. I dunno that word. Lyric said that's what he had." I explain. "Besides, it's always Cecilia who talks to him when we talk. She likes boys too much. Why can't she like girls like you two?"

"Well, everyone is different. Even Lyric is liking boys now. There's nothing wrong with being who you are. You're Micah, and you're yourself." Hailey explains.

"Actually, I'm not myself." I mutter. "I'm Lyrics mind person, and so are the other alters. But we have our own personalities and stuff I guess."

"No need to put yourself down about it." Maria says, giving me a slight hug. "It makes you special. You're human too. Just a little bit human, but you're still human."

"Yeah, I'm more human brain than human, but that's okay. 'Cause brains are smart and I'm part of a brain. So I'm smart I think." I ramble.

"As smart as you could be." Hailey laughs.

I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not, but it can't be anything insulting cuz Hailey is so nice. Plus, she's Lyrics' mommy so she wouldn't be mean to me ever.

"I don't feel like I'm smart sometimes." I say to them. "I'm always letting myself get hurt."

"That's cuz you're selfless. That's who you were made to be; a protecter." Hailey explains to me with a gleam in her eyes.

"I'd say it's way better than being super smart." Maria smiles.

"True. I guess it's Meg who gets to be the smart alter in this." I laugh. "I get to be the fun one. And the selless one."

"Selfless. There's an 'f' in the word." Maria laughs.

"You know what I'm getting at." I smile cheekily. "When's MCH?"

"We'll leave right after Hailey finishes dinner. Which I think will be in a few minutes." Maria says.

"What is it?" I ask curiously. The food always makes me decide if I want to stay out for meals or not.

"Caesar salad and chicken." Hailey smiles.

"Ohh, Lyric likes caesar salad more than I do." I laugh.

"Should you let her out for dinner? I'm just setting the table to put the food on now." Hailey smiles as she heads to the cupboard to grab plates and forks and knives.

"I guess. As long as I can have some apple juice next time I pay a visit to you guys." I say, crossing my arms.

"Sounds like a plan." Hailey laughs.


*"Lyriiiiic. It's dinner tiiiiime." I sing, letting her take over her body.*

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