My brother wakes up to Disney songs

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(A/N feel free to give me criticism. I need it. A lot.)

Holly POV

I woke up Monday morning to Under the Sea. "Percy, get up and shut your alarm off!" I yelled at my brother.

Okay, maybe I should explain myself. My name's Holly Jackson, and I'm the daughter of Poseidon. Percy Jackson is my older brother. When Mr. Riordan wrote the books about Percy's adventures, he offered to put me in them, but I told him to leave me out. I didn't want publicity everywhere I go, which is what Percy gets.

Percy groaned and murmured incomprehensible things in his sleep.

I went into his room and turned his alarm off, then slapped him. "Get up!"

He yelped in pain. "What was that for?" He muttered sleepily.

"We leave in five minutes. You overslept." Confession time: I was lying. We don't leave for another forty-five minutes. At least it got him moving.

After two minutes of him screaming at everyone to get their butts up, smacking me and breaking my eardrums, I made a mental reminder never to lie to him again.

"Percy, I was lying," I said warily. "And I think you woke the entire apartment building."

He smacked me, then, since he was already ready, plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV.

Our mini doorbell rang as soon as Percy had changed the channel. "I'll get it!" I called.

I opened the door to see our new neighbors.

"Hi!" I said brightly, although I doubt they could hear me over the TV. I held up a finger, signaling them to hold on, then ran over to Percy and yanked the remote out of his hands. He loudly protested as I turned the volume down. I told him to be quiet, then walked back over.

"Sorry about that," I said, giving them an apologetic smile.

"It's fine," Mr. Ashman said. "Thank you for the cookies last night. They were great."

I almost blurted 'You ate them all?!' But I held my tongue.

Percy, who apparently tuned into our conversation, blurted, "You gave them cookies?"

"Well, yeah," I said in a obvious tone. "I was trying to make a good first impression."

He snorted, and I glared at him.

"Well, come on in," I said, feeling stupid for not saying this earlier. I made Percy go into the kitchen so they could sit on the couch.

Paul, my mom's fiancé, walked into the room. "Holly, why are you talking to strangers?"

Instead of smacking him upside the head (which would be my normal reaction), I smiled. "If we get to know each other, then we're not strangers." I countered.

"Touché." He walked over to us, then extended his hand for Mr. Ashman to shake. "Paul Blofis, and that's Percy. Hope you like it here." They introduced one another, and I went into the kitchen.

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