Holly Surprises Me at the Bathroom Door

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Pippin POV

It was great seeing Holly again. She was happy to see me, but she still seemed really worried. As soon as I'm fully better, we've got to do something together. Maybe I can take her to a movie or something.

I dreamed about the plane crash, but it was entirely from Holly's point of view. When I woke up, I fully understood the worry and pain that she must have felt. It was pretty depressing.

When I woke up, I was full of energy. I was also full of pee. I realized that I must have healed quite a bit, because I got up and was able to get to the bathroom without any major difficulties. When I came out, Holly was right outside the door. I screamed and punched her in the arm.

She grinned and hugged me. She was very gentle, so I knew she still wasn't her normal self. Of course, I would have to fix that soon.

I hugged her back. "Hey."

"Are you completely better yet?" She asked.

I smiled. "Almost. Not quite."

She groaned. "Dang it!"

"Why, are you planning something?" I was curious.

She froze for a moment. Then she shook her head. "No. Don't get any ideas."

She was obviously lying, but I didn't say anything.

I shrugged. "Okay."

"Capture the Flag is Friday," Holly muttered, more to herself than me.

"It is?" I didn't add that I had no idea what Capture the Flag was. "That's fun."

She raised an eyebrow. "Do you think you'll be able to participate?"

I thought about it. It was Wednesday, so...

"Yeah, probably."

She lit up like a Christmas tree. "Really?"

I nodded.

"Sweet! Well, I'd better get to training. I'll see you later!" She smiled and ran off.

"She's totally hiding something from you," Percy admitted to me.

"What? What is it?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know, but it's something big. Brace yourself."

"Is she breaking up with me?" I was really scared now.

He sighed. "Holly's very unpredictable, you never really know."

I sighed. Then I decided that I didn't want to wait. I went right over to her.

"Holly? We need to talk."

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