Lily Drags Me Onto a Giant Water Slide

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Holly POV

I still can't believe Lily bought this stupid two-piece. I asked for a one-piece!

I know why she got it though, which makes it no better. She's convinced that Pippin is going to ask me out sometime. Even though I'd love for that to happen, it's not going to work out.

"Hey, daydreamer." I snapped back into reality. Lily grinned. "You almost ran into a wall earlier. Pippin had to pull you away."

I blushed. Thankfully, Pippin was nowhere nearby. "Where is everyone?"

"We're at the water park," she replied. "I had to drag you into the restroom."

"Oops," I muttered.

She laughed. "Hey, I'm sorry for buying the two-piece. I should've made sure it was okay."

I shrugged. "It's okay now. At least it fits."

She laughed again. "You're too skinny. You need to eat more so clothes will fit you better."

I smiled. Then we walked out. "Dang, this place is huge," I muttered.

"I know, right? Do you want to go on the water slide?" I looked up. The slide was about twenty feet tall, and looked really dangerous.

"Of course I don't!" But Lily dragged me in line. Soon the guys came up behind us. "Hi," Pippin said.

Lily's eyes widened. "Oh my gods, they're freaking shirtless." Except she didn't say 'freaking.'

"Lily!" I smacked her in the arm.

The guys started laughing.

"Lily, precision of language, please!" Daniel teased her. She stared at him as if he'd grown a tail.

I laughed. I got the reference. It was from a book called the Giver. We had to read it in class. I couldn't read it because of my dyslexia, but we listened to an audio tape.

We got to the top of the line. Of course, I had to be first. It did look very high, and-Daniel pushed me. Of course.

"Hey!" I yelled at him. The slide was very nauseating, with all of its turns and crap. And did I mention that it was still really high up?

When I finally splashed into the water, I stayed under to see what would happen. Then I remembered that I was in a public place. I hate getting wet.

A lifeguard came and grabbed me. I let her drag me up.

I put on a big scene by coughing my life out. My throat was very sore afterwards.

I got a text from Pippin. 'You're wet.'

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone from the table I set it on earlier. I texted back, 'It's not a good idea to stay dry when there's tons of mortals.'

He waved down at me. 'Are you okay?'

I waved back. 'Fine, other than the fact that my throat hurts like crap from coughing so much.'

'Can you come get my phone? I don't want it getting wet.' Daniel suddenly texted me. I cut past all of the mortals to go get it.

"Thanks, Holly." Daniel smiled at me.

I smiled back, and, causing the mortals to burst into laughter, pushed him down the slide.

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