Daniel is Such a Flipping Liar

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Holly POV

I should've been happy that Pippin almost woke up, but I was nowhere near that.

"Hey, cheer up," Daniel said. When did he get over here?

I groaned. "What do you want?"

"Look, I was just talking to him a few minutes ago-"

"You were?!" I hopped to my feet. He was such a liar, and I was going to kill him for that later, but I really wanted to go see him.

Daniel panicked for a few seconds, then sighed. "Yeah. Look, he can't move or talk or anything though, so don't go blaming yourself for-"

I didn't hear the rest of his sentence. I sprinted off to the infirmary.

When I got there, he was unconscious. I gave him the gentlest hug I could. "Get better soon," I whispered to him, then got up.

Percy walked in. "Hey, sis..." I broke down, but not because I was sad, but because of the happiness I was feeling.

Percy seemed very confused. Daniel walked over and grinned. "Is it that time of month?" I slapped him.

Lily walked over. "Oh, is he awake?"

"No, but he's alive," I said.

She grinned and hugged me. "That's great."

I decided that I would wait for him to wake up. I went to my cabin and played Flappy Bird on my phone.

~~~Two hours later~~~

"Ugh!" I died for the millionth time. My high score was 51.

"Holly!" I looked up. Percy was grinning.

"You'd better come to the infirmary." I immediately got up and went straight there.

Pippin was awake, and slightly better. He could move around a little and apparently he can talk.

"Holly?" His voice was weak and faint, and really hard to hear, but I shot over like a bullet. Literally, I ran into the wall.

"Careful." I looked over at him, and he was trying not to laugh. How nice.

I seriously wanted to kiss him or something, but I wasn't doing anything with Percy stalking us at the door.

"Do you want a chair? I figured you'd be here a while." Pippin said.

I grinned. "Percy! Get me a chair." He nodded. A few minutes later I was sitting down in a pretty comfortable rocking chair.

I gently grabbed Pippin's hand. "I am so sorry, I should've-" He cut me off.

"Holly, this wasn't your fault. It's my fault I can't work a parachute." I remembered that he hadn't pulled the string.

I smiled a little.

"Actually, you saved his life." Lily pointed out. I jumped.

"Would you stop eavesdropping on everyone?" I asked.

She shrugged. "It's true. If you hadn't pulled him away from that shark-"

"I was attacked by a shark?!" Pippin was still quiet but terrified. "Did it bite me?"

"No, no, you're fine." Actually, the shark grabbed his shoe and pulled him under. I was quick to react and immediately grabbed him and pulled him up.

He nodded, relief showing on his face. He started to drift into unconsciousness. I whispered, "Sleep tight." He rolled his eyes then fell asleep.

I smiled and kissed his forehead. Then I left for the dining hall.

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