Holly Helps Me Get Over My Fear

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Pippin POV

I was planning on talking to Holly during the flight, but as soon as we took off she was out like a light.

"You totally like her," Lily grinned at me.

This time I didn't even protest. I just nodded.

"I think she likes you too."

"Like that's true," I muttered. "We're just neighbors, and maybe friends."

"Maybe you could be more than friends one day," Lily said.

I wondered if she was right. Then I guess I fell asleep.

~~~Skipping Around Line Break~~~

Something smacked me upside the head. "Wake up!" Daniel yelled at me.

I yelped and sat up straight. "I'm awake!"

Holly looked exhausted, so I assumed that she just woke up too. She rubbed her head and murmured something I couldn't make out.

"Sorry," Daniel was snickering. "We're in Tokyo."

"Already?" Holly was cute even when she was tired.

Lily grinned. "You guys slept like babies. At one point I was the only one awake."

"What about Turner?" I asked.

"He put the plane on autopilot," Lily said simply.

I feel stupid now.

"Come on slowpokes!" Sadly, Daniel was full of energy. Holly sighed and got out of the plane. She shrieked and scrambled back in.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry," Lily smiled apologetically. "Ashton and Turner made the plane able to float on this lake. Is the water cold?"

Holly nodded, shivering like mad.

"Why aren't you wet?" Daniel asked.

"She's a daughter of Poseidon, idiot," Lily rolled her eyes.

"What'd you do, jump straight in?" Daniel asked Holly.

"I fell," she muttered.

"Could you make the water warmer? Or would that drain your energy?" Hank asked. I hadn't realized that he was listening.

She smiled. "I gain energy when I use my powers, unless the circumstances are weirder than normal." She snapped her fingers then bent down and stuck her hand in the water.

"Is it warmer?" Ashton asked. Well, Turner should be nearby too.

She nodded. "It's like bath water, but oh well." She hopped in.

"Can you get us across without getting us soaked?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, I just have to hold on to you. But hold on, I have a horrible bed head." She went under. When she came up, her hair was in a messy but attractive braid.

"How'd you do that?" Lily sounded jealous.

Holly laughed. "Skills. Who's first?" Lily shrugged and jumped in. Holly grabbed onto her wrist and helped her to shore. Lily remained perfectly dry. "Sweet!"

Daniel went next. Hank went after him, Ashton went after Hank, and Turner went after Ashton. I was last...and terrified.

Holly was very kind and patient with me, even with my irrational fear of the water. "It's alright, I'll help you," she assured me. It probably took ten minutes just to get me into the lake. Even then, Holly was very patient.

"I probably sound really nosy, but why are you so afraid?" Holly asked me.

"I almost drowned when I was a kid," I admitted. I didn't even admit that to my old friends in San Francisco.

She looked concerned but didn't say anything else about it. She then did something I wasn't expecting. She slid her hand down from my wrist and grabbed onto my hand. I was probably blushing like mad.

She grinned. "Come on, the others are waiting." I helped her swim across. I realized, as we swam over, that I wasn't so afraid anymore. I think I got over my fear or something.

To my disappointment, she let go when we got out. Then I realized why. She used her powers to have a wave crash down on Daniel and Daniel alone. Lily burst out laughing. So did I.

"Holly!" Daniel was very ticked off, but only for a minute. He started laughing too. "That was funny."

"I'm a funny girl," Holly grinned. "Now let's get on with this quest." We wandered through the forest.

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