I Convince Kids with Baby Seals

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Holly POV

You have got to be kidding me...five demigods in the school?! And I know all of them...

One of them is Pippin. Thank the gods he's not a Big Three kid. However, his scent is really strong. About his godly parent, I don't have a clue.

Another is Daniel, my best friend. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Before you ask, we are NOT dating, and never will. He's fourteen, so he's two years older than me, but his scent isn't extremely strong. I'm not really sure who his parent is, but I would guess on Hermes, because of his personality.

The third is Hank, the school nerd. His hair falls over his forehead and is a lighter brown than Daniel's but not as light as Pippin's. A lot of people make fun of him, but he's actually pretty cool. He's a great musician, like me, which is kind of weird considering I have a major case of dyslexia, but I can actually read music really well. It's just words and numbers that throw me off. Anyway, I think his godly parent is Apollo. I would say Athena, but I know his mom.

I'm pretty sure the fourth one's name is Turner. He has dark brown eyes and this kind of dark reddish looking hair. He's kind of mysterious, and never really talks to anyone. But I at least try to be nice to him. I'm kind of leaning toward Hecate with him, because he's good at chemistry and stuff. And maybe with potions.

The last one is Ashton. He has blonde hair and green eyes. He's a good mechanic, and there's a rumor saying that he can build anything. I'm assuming his dad is Hephaestus.

Well, I have to figure out how to explain to all five of them that their lives are in mortal danger and that they need to get to camp, then there's the whole godly parent situation-

"Are you okay?" Pippin asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine."

"Hey Holly!" I turned around. Oh good, it's Daniel. Two down, three to go. This'll be so easy...(note the sarcasm.)

"Hi Daniel." I greeted. "This is Pippin. He's new." I let them talk.

Gods, I thought. How am I going to get through all of this? I barely know Turner and Ashton, and Hank and Daniel hold some grudge that will remain a mystery for a while.

"Holly? Hello...?" Daniel was waving a hand in front of my face.

I smacked it away. "What do you want?"

"You kinda zoned out."

"No..." Sarcasm was dripping off the word.

He rolled his eyes, but he looked concerned. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Hey, I've got to talk to you two and a few other guys after school, do you think you could come?" I was literally crossing my fingers behind my back.

Daniel hesitated. "How long will it take?"

I thought about this. "Ten minutes, if I'm lucky."

He smiled. "Okay, I can come." Yes!

Pippin nodded. "I can too." The odds are definitely in my favor right now. Hey look it's Hank...

I ran over. "Hey, do you have a few minutes after school?"

Daniel looked revolted. "HE'S going to be there?"

Hank sighed. "Holly, you know I hate Daniel..."

"Please, just work out your differences for about ten minutes after school..." I tried for a baby-seal face. Thankfully it worked.

Daniel sighed. "Okay..."

Hank smiled slightly. "I'll be there."

"Thanks guys." I smiled as Hank walked off.

Daniel glared at me. "Why did you invite him?"

"I'll explain later. You'll understand."

I found Turner and Ashton talking. That's weird...but I'd better go over.

"Hi guys!" I hoped I seemed friendly.

Ashton waved, but he looked kind of confused. Turner just stared at me as if I'd grown a third eye or something.

I smiled. "So, I've got a one-time meeting going on after school...do you think you guys could come?"

"Are you sure you'd want us to come?" Ashton asked. "I mean, we hardly know each other."

"I'm sure. So, what do you say?" Please say yes, please say yes...

Ashton looked at Turner, then shrugged. "Okay. I'm sure I have nothing going on. And I know Turner doesn't."

"Great! I'll see you after school." As soon as they left, I mentally did a happy dance. I couldn't believe how easy that was! Well, now I have to face the horrors of school. Crap.

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