Lily is Olaf and Likes Warm Hugs

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Pippin POV

Wow, my new girlfriend has really horrible luck. First she got attacked by a hellhound, then she got kidnapped, then she got attacked by a Cyclops. But I doubt it's just luck. I'll have to ask her about it when she wakes up.

She appeared to be peacefully sleeping, which was good. She kept squirming around, but I hoped that was just her ADHD.

Turner walked over. "Give her this," he told me. He handed me a small vial with purple liquid inside.

"What is it?" I asked. It looked like poison.

"A potion," he said. "Trust me, it's not poison. It'll seem like it at first, but that's just the side effects."

I hesitated, then gave it to her. After I made her swallow, she turned a violent shade of green.

"I swear on the River Styx it's just the side effects!" Turner avoided my punch aimed for his head.

Thankfully, he was right. Her face returned to its normal color and she relaxed. I apologized to Turner, who grinned and said I had a reason to get upset.

A few minutes later Holly's eyes fluttered open. I grinned down at her. "Hi."

She smiled. "Hey."

"Do you feel any better?"

"Yeah, a little."

"You look better too."

She sat up and raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying I didn't before?"

I paled. "No! I mean yes, I mean-gods-" I put my head in my hands.

Then I heard laughter. I looked up and saw Holly and Turner cracking up.

"You're not mad?" I asked Holly.

She shook her head and grinned. "I was just messing with you."

I groaned and playfully punched her in the shoulder. She pretended to be hurt and fake-cried until we got to London, which only took about five minutes.

When the others wouldn't wake up, Holly told Turner and I to get out. We did, and she briefly soaked the entire interior of the plane. Everyone screamed and she drained the water. None of them were very happy, but Holly dried them off.

"Now I'm cold," Lily complained.

"Find someone to give you warmth," Holly said simply. Lily jumped on her back. They stumbled a few times but stayed standing.

"Not me!" Holly protested. Lily laughed and got off.

"I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" Lily cried. She then tightly squeezed her brother until he choked out, "Can't-breathe!"

She let go and proceeded to the rest of us. Holly immediately yelled, "Get off!" when she was hugged. Lily quickly got off and moved on to me. My ribs almost cracked, but I managed a small smile when she got off.

"Come on," Holly sighed with relief as Lily ended her hug session. "We've got another gem to find."

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