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Khalil POV

"What you wanna be a stripper for mama" I said cutting my eyes at her. There was still silence between us. "JOURNEÈ" I yelled making her jump. "Yes Kahlil I here you, stop yelling" she said with her head down. "Then answer my fucking question"!
"I wanna be a stripper cause my life is not where I want it to be right not. Yes I'm in school but that shit not helping me out. I might as well show my body since I'm getting raped by this nigga that my mom so called love. I just need the money so I can get up outta this bull shit ass town, so me and my mom can live a better life" she said while crying. I felt where she was coming from with the whole rape thing.
I had to sit and watch my older sister get rape every single night by my mom so called boyfriend . Until one night came and instead of rapping her he killed her in the same night. I swear I didn't know what to do, so I went in my room grabbed my glock and put a hole through that niggas chest. I didn't know what to do so I just ran away. But to see my girl go through this, I guess I gotta put a hole through this nigga chest.
"Why you ain't been told me about this nigga Journeè" I said as my voice crakes. "I didn't know how" she said still crying. I didn't know what to say. Just thinking why the fuck she kept this from me.

    Journeè POV

      20 mins away from home there's still silence between us. I kno I should've told Kahlil about Nelly, but I'm glad I did cause I know this nigga gonna die. Here we are just a few seconds away from my house. There is still silence between us. He pulls into the driveway as I reach for the door waiting to get out. I began to head out but he stops me. "I love you baby always remember that and if you need a place to stay you know who to call. If that nigga fucking with you, you know who to call" he said in between kisses. I looked him into his eyes. I got out the car and headed to the door.
     "Your mom still at your grandma house therefore you got to give me some" I hear a deep voice knowing it was Nelly. Mom haven't been home since two days now, and I know cause she's running from Nelly. I start to run out the door but his cold hands gripped around my neck while his other hand closed the door. "I'm telling you don't run, or it's gonna get worst" he said through his teeth.
     He throws me to the floor as he walks towards me undoing his pants. "I'm bout tired of this shit" I said in my mind. As he walks towards me I kicked him in the nuts. I tried to run but he snatch me back down and began to send painful hits to my face. I got loose to where my arms where free. I got both of my thumbs and began to dig them into his eyes.
     I here him holler with pain as I kick him off me and ran to the kitchen to grab a knife. I knew if I didn't end him now that he will end me later. He came towards me as I stabbed him in the neck. That didn't stop him so I had to go for the heart. I stabbed him in the heart twice sending him to his knees. I watched him suffer for air as he took his last breath. I run to my room to grab my suitcase and packed everything I owned. I then ran to my mom room and packed here things as well knowing she will not be living here no more. I put the bags down ran to the bathroom to put on gloves and ran to get Nelly keys to start his truck.
     Seeing that he parked his car around the block to make it look like he wasn't home, he wasn't so smart. I drove the car back to the house to put his body in. Struggling to put this 389 pound man in the truck was a challenge for a girl like me, the job was done. I gather my mom things and my things and began to drive to Nelly moms house.

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