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Journeè POV

      Walking out the nail place with Paris I was laughing at her. We had to stay in the nail place over 3 hours cause the man that did her nails was new and he fucked them up bad. "Paris lets go" I say still laughing. "FIRE THAT BITCH" Paris say yelling back into the nail place.
       Walking to our car I was looking at my nails. My nails was looking good and I was feeling the color.

       " Paris I holla at you later man" I say still laughing at her

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       " Paris I holla at you later man" I say still laughing at her. "Alright girl" she say getting into her car. Getting into my car I decided to roll one before I pull off. As I was finished rolling one I started the car. Pulling off I lit the blunt and and turned the music up.
           Listening to TK Kravitz Out Of You Control. I was smoking and bobbing my head. Driving back to the house my gas light came on. Since I was near a store I just decided to stop there. Pulling up to a gas pump I put the blunt out and grabbed my wallet along with my keys.
            Getting out the car walking into the store niggas was looking at me. "Aye ma" this nigga said to me but I kept walking. Walking into the store to the counter. The man was staring at me licking his lips. "Can I get 20 on pump ummmmmm, 2" I say looking back at the pump number. Handing the man the money he was still looking at me.
         "Keep the change" I say walking out the store. Walking to my car to pump the gas the dude was still trying to talk to me. As I pump the gas I looked at him and smiled. Getting back into my car I put on TK Kravitz Relationship Goals.
          Rolling down my windows so the smoke can go out I turned my music all the way up. Pulling off I lit the blunt back up. Driving feeling myself I was a couple houses away from my house. Pulling into my driveway I grabbed all my things, I walked in the house while still smoking.
             "Take me to the trap" Kahlil say as I walked in the door. Kahlil was smelling good as fuck. He had on the rose gold foams, white t-shirt, black pants, Rolex chain and watch. "Alright I say walking back out the door. As he locked the door and closed it he walked behind me and slapped my ass and took the blunt out my hand.
           "Let me catch you smoking while you pregnant with my baby again" he say smoking as he got in the car. I got in the car also as I put my purse in the back. Starting the car, I backed up as I turned the music all the way up. As I was driving I was sing TK Kravitz Lay Up to Kahlil.

He was still smoking as he was smiling at me licking his wet lips. I can tell he was getting on hard cause I could see his print. Still driving he put his hands between my legs rubbing and feeling on my pussy. As I came to a stop light I put my head on the steering wheel .
            He unbuttoned my pants and started rubbing my clit. I looked up to see the light had just turned green. I drove off slow cause I was starting to get weak. "Baby stop" I say removing his hand. As his hand was removed he kissed me on my neck and sat back in his seat.
            He started smoking again as we was listening to music and cruising. Pulling up into the trap he had pulled money out of his pocket and started counting it. I got out the car buttoning my pants back up. Grabbing my phone I shut the door.
           Walking into the trap Kahlil was just getting out the car. As I was getting ready to close the door. Kahlil opened the door back up and grabbed me from behind. As he blowed the smoke on the side of my face he closed the door.
          We started walking to the back to go to his office. As we was walking a girl stopped him. "Damn Kahlil were you been"this dark skin girl said. Kahlil didn't say nothing he just kept walking. "Who is that" I say looking at him.  "A nobody" he say looking at me as he kept walking.
           "Wassup Journeè"  Mahlik and Zee said at the same time. "Stop trying to be like me nigga"Zee said. "Nobody wanna be like yo ugly ass"Mahlik said. "You momma do bitch" Zee said laughing.
"Wassup y'all" I say laughing at them and walking into Kahlil office. "Man y'all niggas chill the fuck out"Kahlil said walking into his office as he closed the door. He sat in his chair as I laid out on the lathered couch. As I was on my phone Kahlil was checking the paper work.
While I was on my phone Kahlil got on top of me. "Mhmmm" he say as he began to suck my neck. As he suck my neck Zee bust in. "Ohhh shit" he say. "Damnnnn I wanna join" Mahlik said behind Zee. "What y'all want" Kahlil said looking up at them. "You gonna let me join" Mahlik said walking into the room.
"Nigga what the fuck you want" Kahlil said getting up. "Aye we need you to come check these bitches out cause some of our products missing" Zee said as he pushed Mahlik to the side. "WHAT"'Kahlil yelled as he walked out the office.
I walked out behind the three of them cause I wanted to be noisy. "GET YALL ASSES DOWN STAIRS" Kahlil yelled at all the girls. As they all fast walked I can tell that they was scared of Kahlil. "SO YALL BITCHES WANNA TAKE SHIT THAT BELONGS TO ME" Kahlil said as he pushed one of the girls by her head.
Me, Zee, and Mahlik was standing on the wall as Kahlil had the girls get in line. "What the fuck going on down here" Ken said as he came downstairs hugging me and giving Zee and Mahlik dap. "Wasssup ken ken, one of the girls took some products"I say looking at him. "Ohhhh hell nawl" he said walking over there by Kahlil.
He pulled out his gun out like Kahlil had his out. "I know you pregnant so I think you need to go back upstairs cause I don't want this to scare my nephew or niece" Zee say looking at me.
Zee and Kahlil was bothers, but I thought Zee was right. But I'm hardheaded like always. "Zee I'm ok" I say looking at him. "Well Alright" he say as him and Mahlik walked over there where Ken and Kahlil was.
I know some shit was gonna go down and I didn't want to miss nun. I wanted one of these bitches to die and one of them was Kayla. I had a bad ass history about her and it was all cause Javion. So I was ready for this bitch to die.

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