Something Like That

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The dragons returned as soon as Quinn was far enough away. "Merlin!" Sethos said excitedly, "Guess what we saw!"

Merlin sighed, "What?"

"We saw this cave with lots of crystals and it had a lot of magic-" Merlin held up a hand, "Please tell me you did not go into the cave."

"We didn't." Demon reassured the warlock, "Though Sethos wanted to." Merlin sighed, "You two go home. Tell Morgana that we are safe." Arthur nodded, "Oh and tell her to schedule a round table meeting in a week." He glanced at Merlin, "That gives us enough time to learn more right?"

Merlin nodded. The dragons dipped their heads to the two before launching themselves into the air and soaring back toward Camelot. Merlin looked to Arthur, "So, how do you feel about going to look at a cave of crystals that show the future?"

Arthur frowned, "I feel like that would be useful. Do you know where to find this cave?"

"Unfortunately." Merlin grumbled and untied his horse. "I'll show you."


"This is beautiful." Arthur commented. They made their way further into the cave, Merlin leading the way until the light from outside was no longer visible and the only light came from the light in Merlin's hand and the crystals around them.

He came to a stop, "Don't look at the Crystals Arthur."

The king looked at him, "Why not?"

"They are bad for people with magic to begin with. For someone without they could cause insanity. Imagine having part of time poured into your head."

Arthur closed his eyes, "So where can I look then? And you couldn't have told me this before I followed you in here?"

Merlin sighed and gripped Arthur by the shoulders, "Just keep your eyes closed. Or look at me. Just dont look directly at the Crystals."

Arthur fixed his eyes on Merlin and the warlock nodded before turning and continuing deeper into the cave. "You've been here before?" Arthur asked.

Merlin nodded, "We were in the area and I met a ghost. Long story." Arthur frowned at the back of Merlin's head, "I'm not sure I want to know."

"Probably not." Merlin agreed. He stopped suddenly causing Arthur to run into his back, "Merlin!" He grumbled and tried to take a step back but one of Merlin's hands latched on his wrist and he froze where he was standing. "What is it?"

Merlin didn't reply and Arthur took his eyes of Merlin's hair to peer around at his face, careful to avoid looking at the crystals. Merlin's eyes were the same burning gold as when he worked magic and he seemed to be staring at something. Arthur glanced in the same direction and then turned his eyes back to Merlin. He'd said that these crystals allowed those who looked into them to see pieces of the future, but Merlin had already had one premonition that day so what would this do?

Merlin was still gripping his left arm so Arthur just patiently stood and waited. It was in that still silence that he finally heard it. Like tiny little whispers all around him. Each one promised knowledge, power, friendship. He shook his head and stared at Merlin's hair harder trying to block it out.

Arthur. His name whispered over and over again in different voices, some of people he knew and others of people he did not. Each one seemed to be pulling him toward the crystals. He could hear his father's voice, Morgana's, Lancelot, Gwen, Leon and many more all people he trusted and loved. Merlin's voce was there too and suddenly it was like he was listening to a conversation between he and Morgana,

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