Authors Note (Not A Chapter)

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Hey Everyone! Important Stuff is in bold.

1. So I want to apologise for taking forever to update. I don't always have access to Internet at home and Ive actually had to write most of my stuff on my phone lately. (Thanks parents who turn off my internet every night)

2. To everyone who is reading this, thanks for taking the time to read my work. It's really a confidence booster. 

3. I wanted to say thank you for.... One moment... I don't know.... More than a thousand votes?! Good grief guys! Thank you so much.

4. Comments are wonderful. I know I've said this before but I'll say it again. You guy's comments are hilarious and make my day. It's wonderful to pick up my phone after class and see I have fifty notifications from Wattpad because you guys are commenting (not to mention voting). 

5. I've been considering starting a book review blog where I write reviews for books that haven't been published or are very well known. My library actually gets books early that people can review and Ive always been interested in doing something like that. I'd love to hear your opinions on this and what you would be interested in if I was to do this.

6. I'm crazy busy. I have my exams coming up and I have essays due and I have a speech to memorize and I honestly feel like I'm going to die before the school year is over. Hopefully I'll be able to update regularly but I'm going to ask you to be patient.

7. If you are liking this I'm going to encourage you to look at my original work. It's called The New Vampire In Town and it still needs some work but I'd be glad to hear your ideas on how I can make it better. Im planning on making a sequal to it and updating it a bit.

8. Does anyone have any requests? The line up right now is:

- Sheith Band AU Fanfic
- Sequal to The New Vamp (Short Story)
- ???

The sequal is already mostly finished and so I'd be glad to hear more ideas. I know I had a Sherlock request.... If you guys want an AU or something I'd be glad to give it a spin.

9. Feel free to message me, post on my page and comment. I don't have very many people I can talk to at home but I do make a point in reading everything you guys comment or post. Even if I don't respond to a comment I've definitely seen it. 

10. I might be changing my whole career plan which is making me crazy stressed about life. Does anyone have any advice on good ways to learn Japanese or Chinese? I'm already working on Spanish but I want to learn one of those two as well.

Have a nice day everyone!

~Low Key

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