For The Love of Camelot

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They had hoped to attack Heldin's army first. They had hoped that they'd have the slight advantage of picking the battle field. They'd hoped that they were prepared enough to face the small army. They'd hoped for a lot of things. Most of those hopes were altered drastically.

They'd been on the move when the first arrow nearly hit Arthur. It was burnt to ashes be Morgana easily but everyone was immediately on alert. Swords were drawn and the alarm raised through the whole precession. Eyes were immediately combing the trees for the attacker, or attackers, in an effort to prepare for another arrow but nothing could be seen.

Another arrow was shot a few minutes later, this one aimed for Arthur's horse, rather than the king himself. Morgana didn't see it but the arrow was thrown to the dirt before it could get within a foot of the horse.

Morgana stared at the fallen arrow in shock as they rode past. "How did that-"

"Merlin." Arthur said, "I'm not really sure how he does it but it was definitely him."

Morgana looked back over her shoulder. She couldn't even see the warlock. "He did that from all the way back there?"

"It's complicated." Arthur said. Morgana looked like she wanted ask more questions but was cut off by three arrows flying towards them. One aimed at Arthur, another his horse, and the last at Morgana herself.

Morgana flinched away, arrow turning to dust before it could land it's mark. The other two arrows were sent flying back where they'd come from, clattering against a tree before dropping to the ground. Arthur was immediately sliding off his horse and the knights behind him followed suit as he headed towards the spot.

Morgana scrambled after him, drawing her own sword. They looked around the trees but saw nothing Arthur grimaced, "They keep disappearing." He mumbled, "But how are they moving that fast?"

He jumped when Morgana grabbed his arm, "Arthur, they might not be here." He looked at her in confusion and she explained. "If they knew you were coming this way they could have set traps."

No that's not right. Merlin's voice echoed in Arthur's head.

Arthur looked to Morgana who was frowning, "Why?" She said quietly, she'd heard the warlock too.

Because the arrows weren't shot with magic.

Morgana thought about this, "Then how are these people disappearing without leaving a trace?"

Arthur scowled, "If there was a spell that would hide you from sight and magic, they might still be here."

Morgana winced, "We could be followed and not even know it."

Arthur thought for a long moment, "We need to find somewhere to set up that isn't far from Heldin's camp."

Morgana nodded, "That way we can defend and attack."

We can't keep moving for too much longer. If the arrows keep up someone is going to get hurt.

Arthur waved at the knights around them to get back on their horses as he and Morgana walked to theirs. "Alright, as soon as we get close enough we stop and set up defenses."


Arthur looked around the camp with a worried face. Everyone was tense after the several small attacks that had taken place.

Most of the arrows had been stopped before they hit. A few were missed.

Arthur looked down at Merlin who was sitting beside the king, scowling at the bandage on his leg. Arthur had a close call with an arrow to the face that Merlin had managed to deflect with the downside of not paying attention to his own problems. Like the arrow headed towards the warlock himself and the other for Gwaine.

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