Chapter 2

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Ash's POV:

Pikachu and I raced to the stadium with him narrowly winning by a Volt Tackle.
"PIKACHU! Use Electroball now buddy", I screamed at him. He just stared at me wide eyed and shot an Electroball into the air. I was shocked.
"Buddy, now you can use Volt Tackle and Electroball simultaneously. Isn't that awesome?", I asked him totally pumped up as the attack will be handy when I want him to dodge an incoming attack or perform a counter.
"PI PIKACHU!! ", he replied grinning and showed me a victory sign. Clemont, Serena and Bonnie joined us soon.

"You.... must..... stop..... sprinting this fast.... Ash", Clemont panted. Bonnie and Serena were in no better states. Then I saw Sawyer giving a pep talk to his Sceptile.

"HEY SAWYER!!", I shouted to gain his attention. He turned and saw me, then flashed me a grin.

"Hey Ash! You ready for our battle?You better be because I'm gonna give you the battle of your life!!",he informed me.

"I want to see the best of your strength today, Sawyer. As I always say, the stronger the opponent, the better the battle", I replied winking.
Sawyer smiled, shook my hand and left to the arena.

"Ash, all the best for today's battle. I know you'll do your best. ",Serena wished me and kissed my cheek.
I felt my cheeks heat up but kept my cool and just gave her a smile.

"Come on Serena. Let's get the seats closest first ", Bonnie said pulling Serena and Clemont towards the spectators' zone.

"Give it your best, Ash!", Clemont wished me.

"NE NENENE! ", Dedenne gave its wishes. As I walked towards my side of entrance, a security guard attached a microphone to my collar.

"You are going into a soundproof zone Mr. Ketchum. This is an initiative taken by the officials to help participants concentrate on the battle rather than the audience. This microphone will help the audience hear yours and Sawyer's voice. ",he told me. I thanked him and went face to face with my opponent and flashed him a confident grin.

Serena's POV :

We were lucky enough to get us seats in the first row. Ash was ready for the battle. I knew it.

"Good morning lovely people and of course, the wonderful Pokemon outside their Pokeballs. Due to health problems of our usual MC, I, your very own Nurse Joy will he acting as today's MC. The 2 semifinalists battling today have shown us true strength and love for their Pokemon. Without wasting another second, give it up for ASH AND SAWYER!!! ", Nurse Joy yelled on the microphone and this earned a huge thunder of applause for them.

"Each trainer can use six Pokemon and once 3 of a trainer's Pokemon are unable to battle, sides will be switched. Substitutions are allowed. Let the battle COMMENCE!", the referee announced.

"Hawlucha, I choose you! ", Ash threw Hawlucha's Pokeball. Hawlucha came grandly with the dress he showed me the other day - perfect for the Forest Guardian.

"Lucha! Hawlucha! Hawlu! ", Hawlucha said flexing his muscles.

But Sawyer smirked and threw a Pokeball.

"Slaking, let's go! "

"Hawlucha, start off with Karate Chop! ", Ash ordered and Hawlucha gave it all. But Slaking was least bothered and was unfazed by the attack.

"What?! Hawlucha, now use High Jump Kick! ", Ash gave the second attack. But it had the same result .

"Combat moves have no effect on Slaking, Ash. I planned it all out", Sawyer explaining smirking. But Ash gave a bigger grin.

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