32. interview four

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IMAGINE BILL talks about you in an interview.

IMAGINE BILL talks about you in an interview

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"hi bill, how are you today?"

"i'm good thanks, yourself?"

"yeah. so i just want to cut to the chase here. i know you have already been here before for a previous interview and that was about your work. now, i want to know about your love life."

"uh... sure. what do you want to know?"

"is there anyone special?"

"yes, there is. she's actually an actress."

"oh, we are happy for you. who's the lucky girl?"

"(y/n) (y/l/n) and i'm the lucky one here."

"please tell us more about (y/n). how did you both meet?"

"she actually came to the premiere of 'it' and when i saw her, i thought she was so beautiful. so, at the party, i asked her friend for her number and i texted her. that's probably creepy, but hey, she's dating me now."

"awwww, relationship goals!! what do you love most about her?"

"that she's always there for me, as well as loyal, funny, smart, gorgeous, not to mention great in the bed-"

"sorry bill, we got to keep this interview appropriate for the younger ones. but i see you love a lot of things about (y/n). anything that you don't particularly like?"

"nothing. i love everything about (y/n), i don't think she could ever be annoying to me."

"we are glad to hear that. as she is a fellow actress, why don't you work together in a movie or something like that?"

"oh god, i have begged her so many times to work with me but she just won't. she says that she would become way too distracted and make the movie horrible."

"i'll start a petition for you!"

"ok thanks, but my girlfriend won't like that very much."

"well, we have to stop now as this is only a short interview. we hope to see you again bill!"

"shame! i was enjoying this interview, talking about my girlfriend."

"by the way, could you please do the pennywise smile? maybe that would be a great photo for the magazine."

"i don't think so, that may stop people from purchasing the magazine."

[credits to gif owner]

bill skarsgård • gif imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now