34. horoscope three

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WHAT TURNS bill on about you?

WHAT TURNS bill on about you?

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aquarius - your independence. when you're stuck with something, you refuse to allow bill to help you and it turns him on to see how independent you are.

pisces - your touches. bill can't control himself whenever you touch him.

aries - your angriness. whenever you two argue, you tend to shout and it turns bill on, because he sees how angry he can make you.

taurus - your adventurous. you are willing to try anything new with bill and it turns him on knowing that you would do anything with him.

gemini - your playfulness. you tease bill whenever you possibly can, especially in public situations. 

cancer - your sensitivity. it turns bill on to see how sensitive you are, he loves it when you forgive him because at that moment, he just wants to kiss you. 

leo - your stubbornness. bill loves it when you ignore him, because it means that he can do anything to make you smile. 

virgo - your cleverness. it turns bill on when you correct him. 

libra - you're complicated. bill loves it when you're hard to read and you make the relationship exciting, as it's never simple dating you.

scorpio - your bossiness. you tend to tell bill what to do and even though you don't realise it, bill loves it.

sagittarius - your coldness. bill notices that you can be blunt with your friends and such, but with bill, you're loving towards him. it turns him on knowing that you would never flirt with anyone else.

capricorn - your loyalty. it turns bill on when he hears you tell guys who flirt with you, that you have a boyfriend. 

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i hope you guys enjoy these horoscopes, i actually like writing them :)

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