Chapter XV [A Supplementary Chapter]

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[Just a glimpse of the past.]

The beautiful and tranquil house of the Montendre's, once again bothered by a child's loud shouts in the middle of the night. All the helpers in their sleeping gowns and pajamas run towards the room where the screams were coming from.

Apparently, it came from the room of the only child living in the house.

"Luna," her mother called worriedly. "What's the matter honey?"

The helpers immediately then went back to their respective rooms when Madame Margarettewas already inside the room before they arrived to attend to her daughter.

"A wolf bit me," the young Luna cried.

Her mother hushed her and rubbed her back, "honey that was just a dream."

"I know but it felt real mom. I felt the pain and it hurts until now," she replied still crying.

"There, there honey. I'll sleep beside you so the wolf won't come back and bit you again huh? What was that dream anyway? Can you tell me about it?" Margarette asked while her daughter is on her arm hugging her tightly.

"I thought it was just a dog. Its fur colored blue and some are like white but shiny. Like that of a spoon mom," Luna said, her voice still scared.

"Then what happened next?"

"It talked to me. It said that, he's been seeing me in his dreams. I went closer to the wolf because I wanted to touch it. It looked so sad. But when my hand touched it, it changed into a scary looking monster. It was a werewolf like from the stories that I read, then bit me on my leg," Luna again cried herself on her mother's arm.

Margarette hushed her daughter again and thought that asking her to tell about her dream was a bad idea. I'm such a bad mother. She thought with a smile.

"It was just a dream honey. It will never happen. Werewolves don't exist. They're not real." Margarette told Luna.

She knows that what she just said was a lie. Werewolves exist and they exist with them. Margarette thinks that Luna is having dreams about those monstrous creature is because of her.

She had werewolf friends. One later became her enemy and the other, the one who protects her. Yet she chose to live away from the one who protects her for the reason that she wants her child to live a normal life, a life without fear.

But she was wrong. Her daughter is the one haunted by her own fears only in the young girl's dreams. However, what difference does it make? In dreams or in reality, it only gave her one exact same thing.

It's fear.

In the morning, Margarette complained to her husband Steven that she only slept a few hours because their daughter keep on having the same dream and wakes up crying.

"Honey, shall we bring her to Nana?" her husband asked.

Margarette looked at her husband with furrowed brows, "Steven! Are you thinking straight? We did everything to keep ourselves hidden from them. Away from everyone who knows us. And now we're going back?"

"Margarette, this is for our daughter. One in their family maybe can help us. They can probably help Luna, so all of her terrible dream would stop," Steven replied.

"That doesn't guarantee that Luna would be better. Luna will overcome this. She's a strong girl. She's still too young to know that... that... someone is out there lurking ready to take her life," Margarette said with tears in her eyes, "I can't let that happen."

Without anything to say, Steven only pulled his wife into a hug. He can't think of any other way to help his only daughter. Yet he still hopes that Luna will overcome this. And will grow up normally like other kids.


"Mom, why is the moon not replying to me?"

"Honey the moon doesn't talk," Margarette replied to her what she thinks just playing daughter.

"It talked to me one time. But now it doesn't anymore. Why mom?"

She shifted her gaze to the little Luna who is currently scribbling something on her drawing book. With the palette and paintbrush on her both hands, she decided to set it aside for a moment and went over to Luna. She then realized that her daughter is again at some weird things.

Looking at the scribbles Luna made, she was taken aback to see an image of a young boy and a werewolf, "honey who is he?"

"You mean him?" Luna pointed at the young boy and her mother nodded her head. "That's Jinyoung. He's the one I always see in my dreams mom."

Margarette gasped and covered her mouth in great shock when Luna said the young kid's name.

Luna never had the chance to meet or even saw that kid. Jinyoung is the second son of Lucas and Cora. He is two years older than Luna. How did they see each other in her dreams? These were Margarette's thoughts.

"Uhm, honey? Who is the other one?" Margarette asked again now pointing at the werewolf.

Luna's eyes faltered as Margarette observed her, "that's still Jinyoung mom and that's me in between them holding both their hands because I want the three of us to be friends. But the werewolf sometimes hurt me and he scares me," sadness is obvious in her voice. "But mom, you didn't answer my question yet. Does the moon hate me now?"

The mother was not able to respond immediately to her daughter's quiry. She still can't believe what her little girl just said to her. It's far possible. Margarette thought again.

"I've been writing letter to the moon too but I never received any reply," Luna added that somehow snapped Margarette out of her deep thoughts.

"What?" she exclaimed.

"Mom, are you mad?" Luna asked with teary eyes.

"Oh n-no honey. I'm not mad. I'm just surprised of what you just said. What did you write to the moon? May I know?" Margarette asked trying to get herself all together.

"I asked it to give me a brother. And it did, right mom?" Margarette can't anymore hold back her tears. How her daughter knew this? She and her husband were planning for a surprise to their daughter about this. They want to surprise Luna that she will now have a younger brother like she's been wishing for.


"Yes honey, you'll be a big sister now," Margarette only replied hugging her daughter in silent tears.

Why is this happening to you? How come you knew? You're still too young to suffer all these honey. This isn't a gift but a curse Dylan made. How are we going to keep you from all these?

"The moon also told me that..." the little Luna hesitated to continue what she's about to say because she noticed that her mom is already silently crying.

Margarette sniffed, "told you what honey?"

Luna bit her lower lip, "that I will be the bearer."


"Yes bearer. But I forgot about it mom. I asked the moon about it mom but it's not talking to me anymore. Am I a bad friend mom?" Luna asked.

"No honey you're not," Margarette answered. Her tears flew non-stop. "Why are these things happening to you darling?" she only mouthed.

The mother the gathered all her strength to stop herself from crying. Then told Luna to continue playing and that she will just call her father.

Once Steven picked up the call, Margarette immediately told him about their Luna.

"Steven, I guess you're right. We have to meet the Lu's or just Nana at least. We have to erase Luna's memories about these wolves and Jinyoung."

"Tomorrow we'll bring her there," Steven answered.

End of Chapter XV  



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