Chapter XXII

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[A/N: Hello cupcakes, I just want to inform everyone that I changed my @. From @MakeItGOT8, I change it to @follow__parks which is same @with my twitter account. Thats all. :)

Try to listen to these songs while reading this chapter:

JJProject - Fade Away (JB Solo)

Monsta X - Lost in a Dream

BTS - Sea (Love Yourself:Her, Hidden Track)


Jackson being the gentleman that he is, which I never saw when I first met him, opened the door for me. The door towards the room where I will know the things I've been curious about all my life.

I know that things have been hidden from me. For what? And why would they hide things from me? That's what I wanted to know.

My parents hid me from someone who wants me dead. Who end up wanting me to be his bride because... well maybe he first wanted to marry my mother, changed his mind cos my mom's dead. So he wanted the daughter instead.

Remembering those that happened to me before is more than a nightmare. It was all a horror.

Jackson went in first and I followed with a heavy feet. Yugyeom was the first one to walk towards us with a dismal face, that's making me think that something bad already happened. So I looked away, my heart drowning in pain and sorrow.

"Nana's fine now," I flinched at the words spoken by Yugyeom.

Nana's fine? That's a total relief.

"How about my brother?" Jackson asked but Yugyeom's taking time answering the question. His eyes seems like it's saying something else. Something I don't have to know.

"H-h-he's fine too. And he fell asleep."

"Where?" Jackson took a step behind Yugyeom and looked for his older brother.

My eyes roam around the room looking for Mark too but caught Jinyoung's eyes instead. He's looking at me with an expression that I can't explain. I've never seen like this. He looked defeated. Worried. Mad. I'm not really sure.

"Noona," I heard Jungkook called and so I went towards him.

He is seated on an armed chair beside a canopied bed, face drenched in tears. And on the bed lies an old woman. Eyes close with deep wrinkles marked at each corner of it. If I am not aware that it'll be herninety ninth birthday, it'd be difficult for me to tell her age. Although with wrinkled skin, she's far younger than ninety.

"Hey, I'm here," I told him as I bent my knees in front of him and he immediately wrapped his arms around my neck and his head landed on my shoulders then cried more. "Sebby, don't cry. Nana's fine now right?" he nodded his head whilst still on my shoulder.

But... Why do I feel like he's crying for a different reason?

"Hyung... Mark hyung," he cried more. And I tilted my head to see Mark already pulling his body up from the couch, hand buried on his chest and is obviously in so much pain. Jackson who's beside him is supporting Mark's back.

As I was about to walk towards when I heard a faint voice inside my head, 'don't go'. It's Jinyoung's voice but I just can't let Mark suffer and be in pain just like that.

Since we arrive from school he's been acting weird. So I ignored him without looking at him.

But as I was about to take another step, another voice called coming from the person on the bed, from Nana. It sounded so weak and so yearning.

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