Chapter XXIV

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[ Hello, cupcakes. It's really really been a long time since I last updated this story and I am so so so sorry for that. Life has been so mean to me. And I can't go into detail with that. But anyway, let's go on to this part. This is just a short chapter and I'll add something when I'll update on the next. So lezgetit! ]


Chapter XXIV

"Margarette knew about our family. She knew that she's been chosen by Dylan to conceive the bearer of the White Wolf, and she will be called as the Moon Child."

"So, I am the Moon Child? And the White Wolf will be my child, right?" I asked Nana.

"Yes, you are darling. And we can never change that," Nana paused and took a deep breath as she held my hand with both of her wrinkled ones. "And for that to happen, one in our kind must be your mate. You were too young, both of you, Jinyoung and you when we knew that you two were destined. That is why we decided to erase both of your memories together in that dream to avoid you two from suffering the agony of the prophecy."

"That's why that dire Dylan wanted Luna to become his bride, for him to have the White Wolf. For him to have the upper hand and so that no one can place even with his powers, to reign supreme among us all werewolf and humans," Bambam asked and Nana nodded weakly.

"And according to the prophecy, the White Wolf could either be our hope," Youngjae said, "or our despair. And if Dylan succeeded with his plans before and have the White Wolf, it'll be our despair."

"On the first equinox of the year, a snowstorm that will be hushed by the White Wolf's first cry. And each one must hold their guard up. For it is the dire's most awaited time. Time to take away the key to infinite power and immortality. So, what you're saying right now is that bed-time story dad used to tell us? That story is a prophecy? And now, it's happening?" Yugyeom asked confused.

"I always thought you never listened to any of Uncle Lu's stories before," JB told Yugyeom.

"Yeah, I never really paid much attention because I thought it was just a story. It'll never gonna happen. I didn't know it was an actual prophesy," great disbelief was obvious in Yugyeom's voice. "And none of you say something about it being a prophecy or that its really going to happen. Am I certainly hearing all these?"

"Oh, my darling Yugyeom come here," Nana called Yugyeom and he then sat beside her, where Jinyoung used to sit awhile. "I also used to tell the prophecy as a bedtime story to your parents and your Uncle Lu too. Everything is possible for a dire wolf. He could do and make things happen the way he wants it to happen. But there's one thing that he can never change back then."

I looked at Nana's eyes waiting for her to continue what she's about to say.

"Your mother's heart. He was never able to change Margarette's feelings towards Steven. And since it wasn't Dylan that your mom chose, he resorted to killing everyone in your family," she added cupping my face with her warm hand.

"Then the day you were born arrived. And your mother and father did everything to hide you, away from everyone. So, Dylan could never find you. But we all wondered why Dylan did nothing to take you after you were born. Everyone thought that maybe everything is now fine that Dylan changed his plans," Nana paused.

"Until the day that the visions slowly surfaced, the prophecy slowly happening and when Margarette conceived your younger brother and he was the one who was taken away by Dylan,"

"I should have not been born," Jungkook said in almost a whisper. "I put many lives at risk. I almost killed one of my friends trying to do what I thought was right."

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