Chapter Six - Snap Beauty

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I got home from Texas around six in the afternoon that day. Like I said, I checked my Meow for any messages.

Michelle left me two messages. The first one was a reply to my last message before I went to Texas which she replied with Shut up. The second one literally stopped my heartbeat for a half a second.

Marc, text back soon. :) Take care.

I immediately texted her after I regained my normal disposition after a mini good heart attack.

Me: Mich!

Surprisingly, she replied immediately although it's seven o'clock in the morning there.

Mich: Marc!

Me: I missed you!

Mich: I missed you too! Good heavens, what happened? I was so worried that something happened to you. Thank God you finally texted back. I thought you somehow found me boring all of a sudden.

She missed  me too. She was worried about me. She was happy I texted back. Its amazing how one message could make you feel like your heart is choking up your throat.

Me: It's not possible for you to miss me more than I miss you! I was down in Texas cause I had to attend a family event for my cousin.

Me: And why would I find my number 1 girl boring? That will be... NEVER.

Michelle: You left me hanging for goodness sake! I thought my harsh replies got you all of a sudden. Oh God, I miss you.

She misses me. Help my pulse. I guess the time off got her hormones or something.

Me: I miss you too. A lot. Are you having your period?

Michelle: Nope. I had it last week. Why?

Me: Do you girls still have hormonal stuff going on after your period that causes you to have mood swings?

Michelle: Haha, no. That happens before we get the period. Its called the PMS, Premenstrual Syndrome.

Me: Are you about to have your period again? Does your period come every other week?

Michelle: What? Noo. Hahaha. It comes only once a month, Marc. :)) Why are you suddenly curious?

Me: It's quite shockingly, beautifully unusual for you to say some words like "miss" to me. All you say to me is that I'm stupid, I'm an idiot, I'm crazy, I'm nuts, and I feel like those are the closest things to "I like you too" and when you say you miss me. Right now, I feel like I'm talking to another Michelle. It's bittersweet.

Michelle: Haha. Stupid. It's me. I'm Michelle Athena Santillan, your total nerd who is dating Percy Jackson but at the same time is married to Tony Parker. I am your "petite woman" who you say is so short my face could possibly be facing your thing when we both stand in front of each other. I am the smarty pants who keeps you up all night because I love distracting you when you're doing your homework, and I am the same woman who surprisingly and shockingly misses you, stupid.

That's it. 

Me: That just took my breath away.

Michelle: Idiot. I only say that once in a blue moon. You better not use this against me.

Me: I like this Michelle. :)

I opened her profile to check out if there were things she posted or changed. She posted 3 new photos of her.

The first one was her in a cheerleader outfit. The uniform was yellow, black, and silver. She had a bow tie colored yellow and black stuck to her ponytail. She was wearing make up which emphasized her dark brown eyes and brightened her smile. Although, her skirt length is quite distracting.

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