Chapter Eight - Skype Day In, Day Out

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Michelle and I have Skyped twice a day for two weeks straight. We would Skype when I get up in the morning, so I decided to get up earlier than usual to keep her from waiting too late. The second round is when she wakes up, which is really early because she's an early bird, so we Skype around 6 AM in her place and 5 PM here.

I now wake up at 6:30 in the morning, then I shower and I get my bowl of cereal from the kitchen and bring it up so that I could Skype with her right away. So I end up eating my breakfast in front of her. She would also eat her dinner too. So we eat in front of each other with different courses.


 "What did you decide to put in your cereal bowl today?" she asked. She was munching her Tiki Waki Salad. Healthy, I know. She says it's cause her mom is a health freak and she's being dragged into it.

"Just some Cheerios, that's all. But," I said still chewing, "I used Hershey's Chocolate Syrup and some maple syrup, and some whip cream as my milk."

"That's so sweet," she said.

"Why thank you," I laughed.

"Feeler," she said with the fork sticking out of her mouth.

"What did you put in your salad?" I asked.

"Instead of grapes, I used pineapple and banana tidbits. Instead of croutons, I used Skyflakes, and the dressing is mayo and ketchup. It's really disgusting right now. I can't believe I agreed to do this," she said.

We had a deal that every time we ate together, there'd be a certain ingredient we changed. Crazy, but we've found out lots of good things too.

Last night, I had roasted chicken and I switched the sauce with syrup and wiped a little vanilla ice cream to it. It was really weird to the taste. I'm so sorry Lord if I'm fooling around with food, I'm just trying to find out if it would be good and also, I wanted to impress this girl.

Michelle had scrambled eggs for breakfast, but she sneaked in some chocolate chips as toppings and sweet and sour sauce. I guess she put too much chocolate chips because she says the chocolate taste just stands out even if she tries to eat more egg.

"We're crazy," she said. "I mean, look at this banana, it's with mayo-ketchup mix!"

"I like crazy," I wriggled my brows.

"You do know that Prince Hans gets dumped after he dumps her."

"Why do you have to outsmart me all the time?"

"It's cause I'm a nerd, and you failed to realize that."

"I like nerds."

"Then go look for hot nerds."

"I'm talking to one right now."

Then The Tomato came up. She looked down a little bit more at her plate, probably hoping that her wavy hair would cover up some parts of her face. Oh my God, she's so cute. How am I so lucky?

The past two weeks were better than the first two months combined. We've talked more than the first two months, we've done more than we did than the first two months.

We've given each other a video call tour of our own places. We would be on in Skype or Live Chat in SnapChat while we go around . First, I showed her my room (I made sure I kept it clean).


"Now this is my ever so comfortable blanket that I sleep with every night," I was laying on my bed while holding out my phone. "It's really soft and blue and soft. So relaxing."

"If I steal that, you would be freezing overnight. You better watch out," she said. Her glasses reflected the screen of her phone which is now projecting my bed. The camera wasn't facing me so that she could get a better view.

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