Thank You.

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"Hello? Is this Rachel?"

"Yes. May I ask who this is?"

"Hello ma'am. You probably don't remember me, but I'm Mia. I'm sorry to bother you with this again, but Taehyung turned himself in, and we need you to make one last statement today. Is that okay?"

"Uhm.....Sure. He won't see me, right?"

"Of course not. I believe he was arrested when he turned himself in."

"Oh..okay. No problem. What time?"

"Maybe 1 PM? Sorry so soon, I just have classes I need to go to later today at 3."

"No worries. I'll be there."
I hung up my phone, when coincidentally, received a text.

Incoming Text : Park

Jimin: "Hello? Y/N?"
Y/N: "Yea Jimin?"
Jimin: "Taehyung is in, I'm explaining to the police what happened exactly. They need Mia here. Did you call her?"
Y/N: "Yea. She'll be there at one. I'm almost at ARMY, so getting Jungkook is the last puzzle piece we need.
Jimin: "Great. I'll see you then, Y/N."

I took a deep breath, and stuffed my phone into my pocket.

Archew street on Arlow avenue.

I took a look around, but there were only buildings in sight. Really big buildings. I sighed in frustration and rubbed my forehead.
"They couldn't have been staying in any of these hotels....right? Not unless they snuck in..." I mumbled to my self, scanning the area. Just then, I noticed a small space in between two big buildings. Sort of like an alleyway. I took a deep breath, and cautiously walked through.
Don't die Y/N, don't die Y/N.
I repeated over and over again. When I got to the end of the alleyway, there were two paths. One to keep going forward, and one path to the left. I peeked around the corner for the path on the left, but it just looked like another exit, so I turned my head forward again, and kept walking.
This place looks awfully familiar...
I thought to myself.
After what seemed like forever, I came across a small little house made of wood. More like a hut, since it was just one big room inside.
It didn't look stable at all, but if I wanted to find Jungkook, I need to go inside..right? I took one step, and heard the wood creak.

Or not.. Geez I didn't even get inside yet...

I checked the time on my phone.
I sighed, and put my phone in my back pocket.
"Hello...? Anyone here?" I questioned, anxiously waiting outside the house.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" A voice called out.

I quickly turned around, and sighed in relief at the sight of Jungkook.
"Whew, Jungkook its only you..wait- JUNGKOOK! You're here!"
I smiled and wrapped my arms around him in excitement.
"W-wait how do you know my name?"
"I can ask you the same thing. But I'm pretty sure we know each other based off of Taehyung."
I let go of Jungkook and crossed my arms.
"Listen we don't have that much time. I need your help."
Jungkook tilted his head and raised his eyebrow in confusion.
"What do you mean..?"
"I'll explain in the way there, but we need to go. Please just trust me." I pleaded.
"Great." I grabbed his hand and walked with him out of the alleyway.

"What's going on Y/N?"
"It's Taehyung. He turned himself in."
Jungkook stopped, and tugged on my arm, forcing me to jolt backwards.
"W-why?" He stuttered, tears in his eyes.
"No don't cry, it's a good thing." I took a deep breath, and looked up at Jungkook.
"I hate to tell you this but, your mother framed Taehyung. So right now she, and the rest of the world thinks you're dead, and Taehyung's the one who killed you and your stepfather. My friend Jimin and I put the pieces together, and we're confident we can clear Taehyung's name. In order to do that, we need you. Please?"
I begged. A tear strolled down his face, and he quickly wiped it with his sleeve.

Promise || Taehyung X Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now