What is it?

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I watch from the couch while Sang brushes out Mercury on the floor. Her belly protruding at 5 months is one of the most beautiful things I've seen. We went for a check up yesterday and Uncle will get a call about the gender of the baby. We told the hospital to call Uncle because neither of us could decide if we wanted to know the gender now or find out when it is born.

"North, come here for a-" I turn my head towards Uncle as his phone rings in his pocket. Sang immediately gets up from the floor and stares at him with wide eyes.

"Who is it, is it the hospital, what if it's the hospital?" She asks quickly. My stomach drops and I whip my head towards her, suddenly filled with doubts. What if the baby is deformed, what if it has some sort of disease, what if it's a boy... what if it's a girl? I can't raise a baby, I'm still a child myself!

"Pull yourself together your two." Uncle orders before picking up the phone in his hand. He frowns as he greets whoever is on the phone and nods at us letting us know it's he hospital.

"Yes, yes I'm listening." Uncle answers walking to another room. His voice slowly fading the farther he walks.

I get off the couch and hug a frozen Sang to me. "Breathe baby, breathe." I whisper in her ear. My voice would be more reassuring if it wasn't shaking so much.

"I want to know the gender." She whispers, her green eyes wide as she looks up at me.

My heart stops as I look down at her. Do I want to know the gender. Yes. But it will make it so much more real if we learn the gender.

"Are you sure?" I whisper back, she nods biting her pink plump lip. Her cheeks turning a deep shade of pink.

"Do you?" Her voice is high as she takes a small step back, I shrug my shoulders not looking her in the eye.

"I don't know." I say hesitantly. I really don't know how to feel about finding out the gender of this baby, of my baby.

"We don't have to find out." Sang tells me understandingly. I shake my head.

"No, no I want to know, we can start picking stuff out, Gabriel will go insane if he doesn't know and so will Sean." I smile taking a deep breath settling into the idea of this really being real. I know that it's real but this makes it... this makes it permanent.

"Ok kids." Uncle announces himself with a clapping of his hands. He has tears in his eyes and a huge smile on his face. "What did we decide?"

"I look down at Sang's huge smile, "We want to know." She tells him, Her eyes getting watery. I smile and kiss her softly.

"Let's wait until the rest of the gang gets here then I'll tell everyone." Uncles bald head gleams in the over head lights, his smile sparkling even brighter.

"I'll tell Gabriel to pick up Gender things." Sang says with a squeal. She skips out of my arms, her blonde head of hair bouncing with each step she takes. I laugh and run my fingers through my own dark hair.

"Are you nervous?" Uncle asks me quietly while Sang grabs her phone and calls Gabriel, I can hear him cursing and yelling excitedly on the other end. I smile wide, this is real, this is my family and this is real. I turn my smile to Uncle.

"Extremely." I tell him with a nervous laugh crawling it's way out of my chest.

"Good." Uncle nods his head with a soft smile and I laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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