Chapter 21

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We spent the rest of our day at the amusement park.Sungyeol forced me to try the rollercoaster ride which I really hate. I'm really scared of heights. But seeing him too excited to try it, I just went along with him which resulted I puke on his black leather jacket right after we got off from the ride because of the extreme dizziness.

"Yah! This is Hoya hyung's! Aish! "he snapped at me.

"Well.. like I care. You are the one who forced me to ride that stupid thing. "I scolded him back before walking to the ladies.

He kept on ranting on about the mess I did and what was he going to tell Hoya oppa about his ruined leather jacket.

I walked out from the ladies to see no Sungyeol. Where is that jerk? I tried to look for him around the toilet area. Huh? Did he leave me?Is he that mad?

"Aish! That Choding! "I grumbled as I tried to search for him once again.

"Yah! Lee Sungyeol! Eodiga?! "I tried to shout for his name but to no avail.

"Hey, young miss. "I scrunched up my face when I heard someone voice.

It was already dark so I can't make up the person's face. But one thing I knew he was  a stranger.

"Are you talking to me? "well,to get a confirmation I need to ask him right.

Who knew he mistook me for someone else?

"You got a pretty nice leg by the way." well, that gives me the creeps when I saw his eyes was diverting towards my exposed legs.

I'm not spending another minute there so I just strode off from the place to get away from that creepy man. But boy, what am I thinking that I could run away from that freak.

I could feel that the man was grasping my shoulder from behind before whispering, "Where do you think  you are going?Didn't your mother taught you that it's rude to left someone hanging? "

I was shivering and cold sweats started to forms when I felt that his hands was resting on my revealed legs. Just then I cursed myself for not listening to Woohyun oppa's words.

"W-what d-do you think you are doing?!"I shouted right in his face, grabbing attention from the random passersby.

Tears started to forms in my eyes as I felt so helpless.My mind was screaming for Sungyeol to save me.

Before I could yell, the freak's hands instantly left my skin and he was groaning on the ground while cupping his bloody nose.

"No one is allowed to touch my girl!"that was when I realised that Sungyeol was beating the man profusely.

Shaken by the thoughts that the man might die by his powerful punch, I quickly grabbed Sungyeol and shouted, "Oppa!Stop it! You might end up killing him!"

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