Chapter 22

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I  just got out from the toilet after cleaning the jacket from Haemin's puke when I heard some shouting. It sounds like Haemin's voice. Sensing that something was wrong, I dashed towards the sound of her voice just to be shock by the scene that someone was trying to touch Haemin forcefully. I could see Haemin was shaking in fear and that made me really mad. Without thinking twice I ran to her and gave the man a powerful blow on his disgusting ugly face, making him stumbled back and landed on the hard ground.

"No one is allowed to touch girl! "I growled and continued to beat the hell out of him.

"Oppa! Stop it! You might end up killing him! "Haemin's voice managed to pull me back to my senses.

I looked at the man and he was badly beaten. Luckily he was still breathing.

"Huh! It's better for human like him to die then living. "I spat out before dragging her away from that place.

"Are you o-"before I could finish my sentence, Haemin suddenly broke down into tears.

"Yaa.. Haemin-ah.. "I was ao worried when she cried like that.

"Where did you go?! I thought you left me because you are mad that I puke on that stupid jacket! "her sudden outburst made me felt really guilty.

"I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you that I went to the toilet to wash the jacket. I'm sorry I left you alone. "I pulled her into a warm comforting hug .

"I'll never leave you alone ever again despite how mad I am towards you. I promise you that."I shushed and kissed her forehead , trying to calm her.

After awhile, her tears seems to stopped pouring and she just stayed in my arms. Afraid that I will leave her.
I pulled away from her and took off my jacket before tying it around her waist.

"It's because your skirt was too short. Promise me you will only wear jeans if you are going to go out. "I said to her.

She only nodded her head in response. Seeing that she was still scared, I pulled her towards my bike.

"Come on. I still have one more place to take you to."

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