Chapter 1

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"No! No. And more no! I don't need you guys' help!" I say to my two best friends Liz and Itzel. we were shopping at the mall and they were trying to get me a boyfriend. Even though neither of them had a boyfriend they were set on me.

"Come on Kay!"

"Yea come on! It's been almost a year since you had a boyfriend."

"Why not make it a full year?"

"Kay. . ."

"I will find a boyfriend when I am ready guys, but for right now I am focused on my c-" As I was walking backwards I tripped, but I didn't hit the floor. Someone had caught me. I open my eyes and a cute boy with glasses had caught me. His eyes were a beautiful brown and his jawline could literally cut diamonds.

"Hey, are you okay?" And his voice. I almost died.

"Y-Yea." He lifts me back up to were I am standing on my own "T-Thanks."

"No problem, the names Brandon by the way." He flashes a smile and put out his hand. I take it.

"Kay, m-my name is Kay, nice t-to meet you." I could feel my cheeks heating up faster than an oven. He looked down and laughed then smirked at me.

"You're cute when you blush." I tilt my head down to try and hide my face with my hair.

"T-Thanks." I mumble. He leans down and we lock eyes.

"I'll see you around?"

"Totally." He flashed one last smile before heading over to a small group of guys. I turn back to Itzel and Liz and they were smirking at me.

"Shut up."

"He was totally cute! And you totally like him!" Itzel squealed.

"I just met him and I doubt I'll bump into his again."

"Well, I mean it is a possibility, this mall isn't that big. There's really a 64 percent chance you'll run into him. Especially considering there aren't many people here early Saturday morning."

"Okay, Liz, I need your calculations to take a hike. School is over with and I do not need to be reminded of it." Liz laughs and rolls her eyes.

"It is still a good asset to have even after school is over with."

"You say tomato, I say Solanum Iycopersicum." (Scientific Name for Tomato. Comment if you get the reference.)

"I think that should be the other way around."

"Whatever, come on let's go get some ice cream. I really need something sweet right now."

"Avoiding the conversation is not an option. Come on, you know he was hella fine." Itzel says as we walk out of American Eagle and to an ice cream shop down the street.

"Okay yea, he was cute, but way out of my league."

"Are you serious right now Kay?! He literally said you were cute when you blush."

"Yea, it's not like it meant anything."

"Yea sure, didn't mean anything. Just you wait Kay." I roll my eyes and laugh along with Itzel. 

We get to the ice cream shop and surprisingly the line was actually long. We wait for about 5 minutes before we get to the front. Itzel goes first, then Liz, then me.

"I'll have a plain vanilla."

"I would like Mint Chocolate Chip."

"I will get a Vanilla with Salted Caramel."

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