Chapter 10

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(Vide above, is like a compilation of what they did I guess. Also their outfits. The outfits are the ones from the beginning (Out on the Patio))

The boys took us out to Panda Express then Ice Cream. Once we got there Zion and I were chosen to get seats while everyone else ordered "So Jade?" I ask Zion smirking. He smiles lightly and looks down.

"What about her?" He whispers.

"Do you like her?"

"I don't know..."

"Come on she's super pretty, tall, and I bet she likes you too."

"You really think so?" 

"She literally called you cute and the way she smiled at you was definitely a hint that she likes you." Zion shrugged "So, are you going to hang out with her?"

"Yea, she seems pretty cool to hang out with."

"You guys would totally be a cute couple." Zion laughs and smiles.

"Thanks." The rest of our group had come over carrying ice cream. We all moved around in the booth before settling. Brandon handed me my ice cream and to my surprise it was my favorite flavor. I smile and look over at Brandon. He was already smirking at me.

"How'd you know?" I ask smiling as I take another spoonful of ice cream.

"That is for me to know and you to enjoy." Brandon says winking. The rest of the time we were at the Ice Cream Parlor we talked and laughed together. Then afterward we went shopping together which involved even more talking and laughs.

When it was about 8 the guys drove us back to our place. Brandon was staying over at my place, while Edwin and Austin were just walking Itzel and Liz to their places. Brandon grabbed a bag from the back and we headed up to my place "Are you sure its okay for me to stay?"

"Yes! You're fine."

"What if your mom comes in, she practically hates me already."

"She can't."

"How do you know?"

"I took her key to my apartment." I say smiling and letting out a small laugh. Brandon smiles down at me and starts to stare. I feel my cheeks heat up as I stare straight ahead "Why are you doing that?" I ask still looking forward.

"Doing what?"

"Staring like that."

"Because you are beautiful, how can I not stare? Your laugh is amazing, and those eyes- I could drown in them." I smile. 

We finally get to my apartment and Brandon puts his bag in my room. We both sit on my couch and I snuggle into Brandon's chest.

"So, what do you want to do?' I ask looking up at Brandon. He looks down at me and smiles.

"Well the first thing I want to do is this." Brandon leans down and connect his lips with mine. I kiss back and wrap an arm around his shoulder. I sit in Brandon's lap, straddling him. Brandon lightly placed his hands on my waist and slowly slides them up. I shiver at the feeling of his hands on my skin. I pull back taking a breath. I hear Brandon take a breath as well. We both look at each other and smile "You have no idea. How long I've been waiting to do that." Brandon says breathlessly.

"I have a small idea..." I peck Brandon's lips before hopping off his lap and walking to my room. I heard rapid footsteps behind me. I look over my shoulder as I walked around my bed to see Brandon leaned against the door frame. I grab my camera and my laptop and jump in my bed. I pat the area beside me and Brandon climbs in with me and leans his head on my shoulder. I peck his forehead before hooking up my camera to my computer and opening up my editing software. I upload the pictures and start to my editing. Brandon would give me small ideas here and there, but for the most part he just laid by my side.

Just A Model // B.M.L.ATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang