Chapter 5

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My laptop ended up in Brandon's lap and I was leaning my head on his shoulder. Brandon had his arm wrapped around me and there was a blanket over us. My phone begins to ring.

_ Front Desk _

I answer "Uhm, Ms. Kay there is a Pizza ordered for Brandon Arreaga to your apartment. Do you want me to send it up?"

"Yes, thank you very much Peter." I hear talking then Peter's voice again "Is your mother aware of this?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine Peter."

"Okay." Peter and I say our goodbyes and I hang up. The Pizza got here in about 5 minutes, since I lived near the back of the "neighborhood". I hear the doorbell ring and Brandon offers to get the door. I heard talking then giggling. I get up and head towards the door "Brandon what's going on?" I see a girl in a tight Domino's outfit. For someone reason I begin to get a little jealous.

"Oh, we were just talking."

"Well, come on we still need to finish Riverdale. We only got 3 episodes in." I say as I glare over at the girl. She glares back at me before smiling. Brandon smiles down at me and gives a small laugh.

"We that'll be 14.57!" She says getting Brandon's attention again.

"Oh right." Brandon reaches into his pocket and hands the girl her money. She touches his hand as she takes it and I grip my hands onto fists "I'm going to put these on the counter."

"Okay. The plates are in the second cabinet."

"Yup." Once Brandon leaves I turn back to the girl. She was glaring at me "You're just a gold digger aren't you? Using guys for their money."

"It's a 15 dollar pizza, it's sad that you think that's high end." I reach into my pocket and pull out a 20 tossing it at her feet, "Don't spend it all in on place, okay?" With a chuckle I close the door in her face and head into the kitchen. Brandon had made us both a plate. My plate had a plain cheese pizza and his had pepperoni. Brandon starred at me as he waited for me to take a bite. As I did my eyes lit up and Brandon's smile grew.

"OMG! I forgot how good this was!"

"Right?!" Brandon smiles at me and I smile back. We both start to stare at each other and for a second I felt happier "We should uh- get back to the..."

"Y-Yea." Brandon and I each grab one more slice of Pizza before walking back to my room.

- Time Skip -

Brandon and I had finished the first couple of episodes and we were just lying down in my bed. Brandon was seated up with his back towards the wall while my head was in his lap "You never told me about your dad. What was he like?" I smile and look up at the ceiling.

"He was amazing. He was the sweetest person ever and he was so encouraging and supportive. He always told me that it didn't matter what I wanted to do in life, he'd still support me either way. He had a smile that could light up a room and people were just attracted to him. I'd be standing beside him and look away for a second and he'd be talking to a random person in the crowd when I look back. He loved me more than anything." I look at Brandon and he smiles down at me.

"What happened?"

"He um. . .he committed suicide. . ." I say as a tear falls down my face.

"Kay. . ."

"I'm fine. I always get emotional when I talk about my dad. But anyways, my dad loved my mom, until she started to act different. Once I became a model her entire attitude changed. She started getting more strict, anytime I did anything wrong, even if it was small thing, she'd yell at me and sometimes slap me. . .I didn't even know who she was anymore. I'd always hear them arguing downstairs and my name would always be brought up so I thought it was my fault that they were fighting. I remember running away for almost a week because I thought if I left, I'd fix everything. Once my dad found me he was crying his eyes out. . .my mom on the other hand yelled at me, slapped me, and grounded me for a month. You can see who cared about me more."

"But why'd your dad commit suicide. He couldn't've just gotten a divorce and taken you?"

"My mom was a lawyer way before she became the head of the modeling agency. She was the best in the company, never lost a case. So there was no point in my dad trying to argue, and besides my dad knew he couldn't take care of me and he didn't want to leave me, but look where we are now. My dad was an emotional person, so dealing with everything about my mom and I he just couldn't handle it. One night, it was my Sophomore year and I was studying for my SAT. I heard my mom and dad arguing, but this time I decided to listen. My dad was yelling at my mom about how she can't hit me or abuse me and my mom was arguing that I was her daughter and she was just disciplining me. After constant bickering my dad just broke. I ran back to my room and put my head on my desk as my dad came up the stairs. He came into my room and gave me the tightest hug, like he was giving me all the energy he had left. He told me he loved me and that he supported me no matter what. I hear him walk up and then down the hall an back down the stairs. The front door slammed and only about 10 minutes later. . .a gunshot. I knew my dad was dead, but at the same time I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to believe it was someone else or that it wasn't even a gunshot." I sit up and put my face in my hands. I feel Brandon rub my back and I wipe my eyes.

"There was a forest behind my house since we lived out near the country at the time. That's were my dad was found. When the Ambulance came 20 minutes later they pulled my dad out of the forest and he was already dead. There was nothing they could do. And you can guess while I was crying my eyes out because my dad was dead, my mom didn't seem fazed. It made me feel like she wanted him dead...but I never questioned it." Brandon wraps me in a hug and I had my hands on his chest balancing myself.

"I'm so sorry, Kay..."

"You know sometimes I feel like I could've done more. I could've made enough money so my dad could divorce my mom and I could move out and we'd both be okay. He'd still be here."

"But now you did move out and you're doing what you love. I bet he's so proud of you, even though he couldn't be here for it." I turn in Brandon's grip and wrap my arms around his shoulders pushing my face into his neck.

"Thank you, Brandon." I say barely above a whisper.

"What are friends for?" I let out a small chuckle. As Brandon and I sat there swaying in the silence not wanting to let go of each other his phone rings. He let's go with one hand and grabs his phone.

"If I pulled you closer would you mind? Would you mind?" His phone sang. He hit answer and brought the phone to his ear. I let go and sit beside him.

"Hey Simon. . .at a friend's place. . .about 15 minutes away, why?. . .oh, I thought we had today off?. . .okay. I'll be there soon. . ." Brandon shuts his phone off and sighs.

"You have to go?"

"Yea, but it's only for a few hours. Are we still on for that date?"

"Of course." I say smiling. Brandon kisses my cheek and climbs out of my bed.

"I'll pick you up at 8?"

"I'll be here."

"Bye Kay."

"Bye Brandon." And with that, he's gone.

Just A Model // B.M.L.AWhere stories live. Discover now