Chapter 7

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- Next Week -

Text messages

Brandon- Hey, we have an interview today, but do you want to go out for lunch after?
Kay- Definitely! When are you coming?
Brandon- 3:30-4?
Kay- Perfect. I'll see you then
Brandon- Yup <3
Kay- <3

Kay- Egg I need your help.
Edwin- Whatcha need girly?
Kay- I need help picking out an outfit and Itzel is visiting home and Liz is out with Austin.
Edwin- Okay, do you want me to come over or FaceTime?
Kay- I need you to come over
Edwin- K. Be there in 20.
Kay- Thank you!!

I was wearing gray sweatpants and a white crop top. My hair was tied in a messy bun and I had my glasses on. I hear the doorbell and I rush towards the door. I open the door and pull Edwin in "Whoa clam down girly. Now why do you need help picking out an outfit?"

"Because Brandon wanted to "hang out" today, I'm pretty sure its a date, and I don't want to walk out the house with these glasses on, a messy bun, no makeup, and some outfit I just threw together."

"Okay first of all you look gorgeous in your glasses and your messy bun. You don't need any makeup, but yes we do need an amazing outfit."

"But the only problem is I don't know where we're going!"

"I'll ask."

"No, then he'll know."

"No he won't. Watch and learn." Edwin takes out his phone and starts to text Brandon. About five minutes later he smirks and puts his phone away.

"Comfortable, but cute." Edwin says smiling.

"You're not going to tell me where we're going?"

"Nope." Edwin says popping the p "That would ruin the entire surprise."


"Uh nevermind. Lets get back to that outfit."

"Okay. . . ?"

- Time Skip -

After about an hour Edwin helps me find the perfect outfit and makeup. I lay my outfit out and turn to Edwin engulfing him in a hug "What's this for girly?"

"Just a thank you. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. You're like a sister to me." Edwin says resting his head on mine. 

"But we've only known each other for like a week."

"I don't know. I just felt a connection." I let go of Edwin and smile up at him. 

"Yea me too." Edwin pecks my forehead before heading towards the door.

"I have to head to an interview with the boys, but text me everything with Brandon okay?"

"Of course. Bye Egg."

"See ya girly."

After Edwin leaves I flop onto my bed. After about an hour I decide to see if I can watch the boys' interview. I find a live show and open it. They were being asked questions and one of them landed on the topic of their love life.

"So do any of you have that special someone in your life?"

"Do bestfriends count?" Zion asks raising his hand. The interviewer laughed.

"No, I'm sorry they don't."

"Aw. Okay, well boys raise your hand if you have that special someone." Zion says in a weird voice. Brandon, Edwin, and Austin raise their hands halfway while Nick shoots his hand straight up.

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